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Now she know she has no right to be mad. I didn't even do all this about office lady and I know for a fact they have something going on. But it's whatever, she want to be upset then she better get over it. I'm not kissing her ass.

She took my son so now I have to go get him from her mother's house. I let him stay gone for two days but now I need my baby. I'm not letting him stay away from me for too long. He already didn't like me at first, no.

I have to get Marcilyn from school first. It was smart to wait until she got out before I went to get him. Saves time.

"Mommy!" She noticed me standing at the classroom door and smiled widely. I returned the same, smiling as she got her hands washed by the teacher. My baby wanted to run off so bad.

When she could, she snatched her jacket out the chair and came flying. I stumbled a bit when she ran into my legs nearly knocking me over.

"I miss you mommy."

"I missed you too baby, where's your backpack?"

She pulled me to her locker and we got her stuff out. They must've recently gave lockers out because she didn't have this at first. Usually it's cubbies.

"Can we get ice cream?"

"It's raining baby, not today. We can get hot chocolate from Starbucks." I put her coat on her then zipped it up. She seemed satisfied with my suggestion so that made me glad. Her little attitudes have been coming and i've been trying to prevent them. I don't know, i'm scared in case she really does have that anger issue.

We got in the car and I headed to get her hot chocolate. Doing this will give Beys mom more time. They already be gossiping saying I don't let them over there much. I just rather have my own children than sending them off.

"Can I get cake pop?"

Always something extra. I got it though.

She couldn't stop smiling once I gave it to her. My baby is such a cutie pie. I want her to be a baby again, without the sass and opinions. It's getting hard. Like to the point I have to control myself.

"Mommy are we getting my brother?"

"Yep. You'll get to see your grandma."

"Ok." She licked the cake pop making my scrunch my face. If she don't bite that. I don't know why she does that as if it's a lollipop. And she knows that it isn't.

We pulled up to Tina's house and got out. I brung the umbrella with me incase it started to rain again. This time of the year really gets on my nerves. It makes me sad to hear the water and thundering. Some good sleep comes from it, i'll give it that.

I let Lynn knock on the door because kids want to do every little thing. She was knocking so low, I had to sneak and do it at the same time as her to make it seem louder. A couple seconds later the door opened and it was Beys sister. Someone we rarely see. 

She had Marcel and stepped to the side for me to enter.

"Hey." I spoke as Lynn ran off. She know Solai is here. That's probably the only reason Solange really comes here. To drop Lai off.

"Here to pick him up?"


"Mm. When we gonna see him again? He's so precious."

"Bey always have him, she just don't bring him over here. Then make it seem like it's me."

"She sure do be acting like we're not the only ones. Start coming directly to us, fuck her. She don't be telling nobody nothing."

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