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"No, don't touch me."

"You being dramatic, bae." I peeled the cover off of Onika. She was so scrunched up I thought she was one of the kids under there. Confused the fuck out of me cause they're not even here. "Want me to run you some bath water mama?"

She didn't answer me and I bent down to kiss her cheek. I'm not gonna let her stay in the same position cause that'll do nothing but make it worse. She's not gonna like it, but oh well.

I moved her body as slow as I could ignoring her groans and whimpers. She stuffed her face in my neck and I rubbed her leg that was wrapped on me.

"What hurts more?"

"My lower back."

"Let me rub it. Come on." I pulled her up my body so she was completely on me. My hands kneaded her skin with a bit of pressure. She was tensing up but I didn't stop cause she needs a good massage to take away some of the pain.

She'll be fine.

"I have an appointment today around 4. So i'll just leave from your office. Can the kids stay up there with you?"

"Those are my kids Nic, why would I say no?" I grabbed my crossbody bag and my keys. She always asking crazy questions. As if I would say no to keeping my children. When I say that Onika is slow sometimes, I mean it. "Mama texted me about that binky though."

"I know, she texted me too. She said she was trying different things but he didn't care. The vinegar shook him though."

I chuckled shaking my head. That little boy doesn't give a damn cause if he want it, then he's gonna go for it. No matter what. We learned that when he was willing to sling himself off the bed for a pillow...A damn pillow though?

At first I was saying I couldn't wait for him to get older, but honestly i'm scared. Real scared. He's gonna throw us for some loops. I know it.

"We need to start planning for the gender reveal."

"You only two months though..." I knitted my eyebrows watching her look through the closet for a jacket. The last time we didn't start planning until she hit five months. It made the most sense.

Gabby got my card and went shopping for everything while we sat back. It could be the same way except with Kelly this time. She'll kill me if she didn't get a turn.

"I know. This is my last time ever having a kid and I want this to be extravagant."

"You plan on having a baby shower?"

"No. That's why everything's gonna be gender neutral. I don't want both because unnecessary money was spent when things could've been conjoined. We're not doing that again."

"I don't mind."

"Well I don't want to." She put the sweater on and came to me, pecking my cheek. Welp, the queen has spoken. Whatever she says, goes. I followed behind her out the house. "What if it's another girl?"

"My poor son will be lonely but I bet she'll be my twin." I smiled at her as we got in the car. She smiled at me shaking her head cause she swear. All of our kids won't look like her, she need to get over it.

"My genes are strong in the girls, you've seen firsthand." She buckled up. That's something she's right about. The women in her family all look the same and it's insane. Even DJ's girls and Nias girls resemble Onika but they're not even her kids.

And Onika looks just like her mom.

"So. Maybe it'll slip more to my side this time. My genes are strong too, they just lacking right now."

"Keep the faith my love."

"I will."

On the way to mama's house I rubbed her leg as I drove. It felt like she had the camera on me fifty percent of the damn time. I just drove like it was nothing though, being used to her little things.

She rubbed my neck with her head in her phone, most likely watching over the videos she took. I needed to get us something to eat so when we pick up the kids we'll have them something to eat at the office.

"Mama said they just ate Bey."

"Well shit, i'm hungry. We haven't ate all morning."

"Oh...i'm fine though."

I shook my head knowing I would have to deal with something in about an hour. She's gonna start with her attitude because she wished she would've gotten her some food. Then i'm gonna have to get her some.

But at least i'm prepared.

After getting the food I went to pick up the kids really quick from my mom. She had them ready to go cause I couldn't stop to chat, we gotta go. They were both on the road to sleep which was a good thing.

By time we make it to the office they'll be knocked out. What a blessing.

Onika still rubbed on me as I drove and made me kiss her at every light. I could peep the sex withdrawals just from the way she touched me. The way she's aching, she shouldn't be touching me in that way at all.

We got the kids out going up to my office where we laid them down on the couch. I had to let Onika go in her office and get her work started while I did my own. Kelly wasn't here yet cause her shift doesn't start for another hour.

It was really quiet so we got a lot done in little time. My baby was working working. Every time she walked through my office I had my eyes glued to her. She was copying papers, passing them out, booking meetings, going to her own.

I loved to see it. She's literally my heart in human form. Swear I fall deeper in love from the simple things.

"Beyoncé someone's coming up!"

"Who, baby?!"

"I don't know, they just called and said someone!"

I sighed looking out my office for to the elevator. Why didn't they give a description? They just send anybody up here. Onika went out through her other door and when the elevator opened we saw her dad. My eyes widened....Wow. We haven't heard from him in a while.

He greeted his daughter, kissing her head before coming straight to me. I didn't say anything as he closed the door, locking it next. Onika came in through the other side, standing beside me at my desk.

"We got some news...I got that girl in my warehouse right now. But she's not alone."

"What do you mean?" Onika had panic in her voice while eyeing her dad. All I could think about was her children. I'm praying they don't have those kids in that warehouse cause i'll lose my mind. "Daddy-"

"Her little friend is with her. The guy."

"Shit." Onika sighed clutching her chest and I let out a small breath of relief. Thank goodness man. I would never forgive myself if something happened to that little girl.

"I say we do the job and be done with this for good." He didn't look to Onika for any confirmation, his focus was on me. Everything was up to me because it was being done because of me. "It's all up to you. We're not letting them go regardless. For the safety of my family."

I looked over at Onika who already had her eyes on me. The look she had alone told me enough and I turned to Duane.

"Do it."


one more. gonna be a lil time skip.

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