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Sometimes being a parent is so hard. Especially having a child like Marcilyn that's so determined and smart. Everyday you have to chose between letting her be free or restricting. I only say that because she moves fast and some things are like, okay she will have fun doing this but.... And I love seeing my baby be a kid, I really do. She's just so fucking smart!

I hate to not let her do certain things just because she's much more mature for her age. Onika hates it even more. Like right now she's mad at me over the whole tik tok thing. Which I don't blame her, I really don't. I wasn't even supposed to be apart of their conversation. But i'm the parent too, I didn't wanna be left out.

So I listened in.

Hearing that my ladybug was twerking on social media....honestly broke my heart. I couldn't show that because it's Marcilyn. You have to show her she's being disciplined or she'll take advantage at some point. She's not finna do me how she be trynna do Onika. At least one of us has to have that control.

Onika has it but Lynn will still try her luck. A lot. With not a care that she'll get her ass whooped cause she won't. That's something Onika does not do. She just started with the corner stuff. And even with that she'll start to feel bad.

I don't know. But i'm gonna give her a chance with this tik tok. She's not a bad kid, she just pick up fast and will say or do what she learned.

"Mama can I get Cel baby?" She rubbed her eyes, barely even up completely. One thing about her, she love to get her brother up. He acts all excited too, it's the cutest thing.

"Go ahead. Remember, slow." I grumbled because I just got up too. Onika must be going through a deep sleep because usually she'll wake up at the feeling of Lynn. This girl haven't moved yet.

I watched the door as Lynn went to get Cel and when I heard laughs my heart warmed. Those are my kids. It still feels unbelievable at times. But it's real as hell.

Lynn came in slowly with Marcel on her hip. She was leaning over so far to keep him up. Know damn well he too heavy for that. I chuckled taking him from her as she came around the bed. His hair all messy with sleep in his face.

They laid down in the bed, talking with each other. More like him babbling and her going along with it. I had to stop Cel from crawling all on Onika a couple times. Titty baby. The way she was knocked out, she needed it.

"Come on fat man." I shook him a little while pulling him back. He giggled some before starting to make unnecessary noises. His hands in his mouth while being loud. That seemed to get Onika up.

She inhaled deeply while turning on her back and releasing it. I watched as she opened her eyes then looked at us. Those pretty eyes.

"I'm tired."

"I see."

"I'm about to get up and make breakfast. Don't let me forget." She rolled back over.

"Gotchu." Usually I would let her sleep if she wanted but I am hungry. A little breakfast won't hurt. I'm not trying to go get any breakfast and she be picky with it. Like no bacon because it's pork. Shit like that.

I picked up Marcel then got up to change his diaper. Little pee pee self. He was making noise the whole time. Just literally letting sounds come out of his mouth.

Marcilyn started brushing her teeth so I went in the bathroom with her to brush Cels. Basically trying to brush his teeth while he tried to eat it. Once it was enough I put him down and crawled away as I got to brushing my teeth then washing my face.

By time Lynn and I finished Onika was getting up. She came in the restroom to brush her teeth and stuff while I went to find where my son went. This little boy move too fast for me.

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