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How the fuck are these ladies getting in my building? Damn. I'm about to start firing motherfuckers. Like what? They can be all in the building they want but coming to this top floor is me personal.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" I opened my office as this Kardashian stood next to it. She walked in with a smirk and sat down without saying a word. All I did was stare at her. "I gave Janelle your number."

"And why would you do that?"

"Because I think you guys need to have a conversation outside of the working environment."

"And why do you think that?" I chuckled sitting down. If that lady contacts me, i'm ignoring it just like I did this white girl. They need to leave me alone before we be in a sticky situation.

"She's actually on her way here. Should be coming up any second now. Her agency wants to have a conversation with yours. Just to get to some deeper understandings about the decision you're making. Declining a partnership like this is very rare."

I huffed shaking my head. If I be an asshole i'll most likely be exposed and viewed as an insane person again. It took so much to clear my name the first time I nearly exploded on someone.

We just sat there in silence until this Janelle woman came up. She had two men with her, I guess being apart of her agency. Why does she even just use her agents like that? I haven't contacted mine in a minute. Everything I do is on my own. Only time I talk to them is when partnerships are being discussed but I don't want this.

"Your agent should be here soon, we-"

"Meeting room is down the hallway." I mumbled looking away. This lady came for a different reason because this dress says Friday night out. The way her boobs spill out and it stoped right below her-

The men walked away but the two women stayed put. I paid them no mind while putting my attention to my computer. Whatever it is they want can go to hell with their offer. My agent know not to take anything I don't approve of.

"So there's this gathering this friday with all types of business owners. We look forward to seeing you there."

"I don't go to those things."

"Come onnn, it'll be fun. Just a couple drinks and some chill time."

"I have a family to take care of."

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind a little break. It's just one night."

"She wouldn't but-" I heard the elevator ding and looked over outside my door. When it opened and I saw Onika step off, my heart dropped to my ass. Oh my god. I rushed to the door. They need to get the fuck out ASAP. Onika said she would pop up but I didn't think she actually meant that! She hasn't been in this office in years, how does she still remember? "Uh- I think y'all should go."

Onika stopped at the front desk to talk to Kelly while I pleaded with my eyes for them to leave. They were not trying to hear it. I took my medicine today so I won't have the same energy as Onika until it starts to wear off in a couple hours. She'll win.

"Look, we can continue this another day. Just leave."

"Don't-" A hand connected with my chest and I was mushed back into the wall. Onika walked in completely while eyeing the women sitting across from my seat. Fuck man. "Don't be trynna make them leave now. What we talking about?" She sat in my chair and crossed her legs. And she look good as fuck! She must be about to go somewhere. But how?

"We were just telling Beyoncé here that-"



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