New #1 Hit

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I had asked my mom for a new phone because I still refused to even take mine out from the luggage. It had been there for about a month now. However, as college approached I definitely needed one. I got my new phone and immediately texted Jenni. Oh boy, how I missed that human being that I call my best friend. I didn't download any social network. I remained what's now called "unknown and antisocial" and to be honest, I actually liked it. Try going one day without social media and see how much great things you can accomplish when you're not as focused on news and drama. Consider this a challenge.
Anyhow, a few moments later Jenni answered me. It was nice getting back in touch with her. She boosts up my mood by a thousand percent. I did ask her to not tell the boys she was talking to me, I didn't want them knowing them trying to ask her questions to ask me and make things even more complicated.

"I explained to Niall this whole drama. As expected, he didn't take it so well. But he's hanging in there. And also, I'm going back home tomorrow! So you texted right on time. Pick me up at the airport?"

"... I'm sorry but I'm glad he's doing fine. How are all of the lads tho?? Anything funny going on around? And sure I'll pick you up."

"Well let's see, Harry is arguing with his hair dresser because he refuses to get a haircut, Louis and Zayn are sleeping although they should be up getting ready for the show, Liam is responding to tweets. And Niall is sitting in the corner playing his guitar. The guys say he composes when he's sad. Expect a new #1 Hit."

"Sounds like a typical day. Niall will get far, he'll overcome this. Everyone forgets about me anyways. I'll see you tomorrow Jenni. I gotta finish packing and cleaning up my room."

"He won't. And alright see ya!"

As much as I loved her, sometimes I hated her. She was always right and she always made me realize things I had been refusing to notice. I've seen pictures of them in the last shows. Niall looks fine. He enjoys concerts, he's always smiling. He's okay, right?

I finished packing all my stuff and cleaning up my room. I was off to college at the end of January, in about 3 weeks. Unbelievable. I can't imagine myself being so far from home for such a long time, again. But I know it'll be worth it once I graduate. Besides, it's only four years and I'll be with my partner in crime.

The next day I got to relax and stay in my bed the entire day watching movies until it was time to go pick up Jenni from the airport. I was kind of nervous that maybe the boys would be with her but thankfully it was only Liam. He didn't look so happy to see me but he wasn't rude to me either. I guess all he wanted was a reason since that's the first thing he said when I said hi.

"I sent Niall a letter explaining my actions and also-"

"And also to break up with him. Yes we know, but he refused to talk about it. None of us ever got to read that letter or know why you had left all of a sudden. You don't have to tell us, but we're still a bit confused. I'm sorry ignore my attitude and questions. How are you doing?"

"Yes... Im sorry. I'm doing better. How's the Blondie?"

"He's better. He left out everything composing songs. Thanks to you we have 3 new songs for our next album. He's a great lad, you know? He's with his family right now he'll be alright, don't worry."

I nodded. Liam hugged me goodbye and kissed me on the forehead before leaving.

"Don't be so harsh on yourself. Not every relationship can go as planned. And whatever your reason was, its probably a damn good one."

He kissed Jenni then went back to take his plane home. I still don't know how long they've been dating but I like their relationship. I really do.

"So, Anabeth. Wanna help me pack??" Said Jennifer as we walked back to the car.

We laughed.
"Definitely not. I've had enough of luggage already. Have fun tho!"

We both laughed and talked about how the tour was this last month. Jennifer told me so many stories about the boys. As dumb and cliche as it sounds, I miss those guys. They managed to change my life in a matter of months. Crazy. I know. She told me about how after a show some fans had managed to make their ways into the tour bus and wait there for the boys. Security couldn't kick them out so they spent almost the entire rest of the night with One Direction. Quite courageous if I say so myself, I wouldn't dare to do that.

The tour had been a success according to all these updates and the boys were overcoming any obstacle put in their way. Fans that had left because of me had came back once they realized I was out of Niall's life. The lads had gotten back all the support they deserved. All of this in just one month.

I had been with Niall since last July, we were now back in December, which meant that I've known him for a year and had been officially with him for only 6 months. Six life changing months. Wow. Six wonderful months that have gone to trash because of hate. Unbelievable.

Liam said that this unexpected love journey is giving One Direction a brand new song. A new hit. Just because two teenagers fell in love. Six months talking, six months dating, one year of knowing Niall James Horan. One new hit. I can't wait to hear it.

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