Face to Face

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"They always take the longest with Niall's audio testing since he also has a guitar to worry about, but he should be here any minute now." Said Harry.

"You do know he was back about 5 minutes ago, right Harry?" Zayn corrected.

We all looked at each other confused, none of us was aware of that.

"What? None of you saw him? He walked in through the back door into his dressing room. You know, lately he's been spending more time along without even mentioning to us what or where he's doing. It was no surprise I thought you all had noticed." He explained.

"You're kidding, right?" I muttered.

"He's right there, second door to your left. The door is half open, if you don't believe me just take a peek. I'm sure his clothes are on."

I looked over to the door, as he said the door was a little bit open, enough to see Niall and his dresser trying to choose the right outfit for tonight. He looked stunning. He was trying on a black suit and tie - I won't lie, boys in suits are my weakness. However, he didn't look as convinced. He would wear a suit without hesitation, but Harry -eh- not so easily. He'd rather go with a casual semi formal outfit.

Boys are girls when it comes to clothes.

He decided to change into something more comfortable but I didn't look further on, I wasn't supposed to be looking in the first place. Not like I've never seen him shirtless or only in boxers but, dressing rooms are for privacy. Aren't they? Why was the door even open?

Sorry for eavesdropping.

"He's usually the one who takes less to pick an outfit, just give him a few minutes." Louis reassured.

"That's alright, but boys, it's already 5 minutes past 9. That gives me less than an hour to talk to him and from everything I've heard and done, in going to need every minute of it." I answered nervously.

I knew that any minute know, Niall could walk out and I would have to leave all of my pride behind if I really wanted to fix things. But as every minute passed and Niall was no where to be seen, I began to get anxious. The rest of the lads had to go get properly dressed and fix their hair once again because the pillow fights they had ruined their appearance completely, they looked like they had barely woken up. They each went into their own dressing room though so no one could mention me to Horan.

I was left alone surrounded by many other singers, eating the snacks that Harry ended up not eating. I tend to eat when I get tense, okay?

There was no sign of Niall anywhere, I looked back at his dressing room; empty.

What? When did he leave?

Either my attention span was terrible or he was a ninja.

That's when I got impatient and decided that if he didn't come to me, I would go to him, after all, that's why I'm here. I grabbed a few cake pops, put my coat back on since the sun had set and it's always colder at night during winter, and made my way outside.

What happened next was shockingly embarrassing.

As I was about to step out of the room, another person was just about to enter. Luckily, we both stopped right on time before we crashed into each other.

Right in front of me, just centimeters away from my face and body, was a tall, white boy with beautiful blue eyes and dirty blonde hair; his breathing was heavy as if he had ran his way here and he looked just as surprised as I was.

It was Niall.

We stood there for what seemed forever until we returned to our senses and each moved a step back.

I was frozen, I knew I had to break the silence. After all, I was the one who has traveled all the way here to talk, not just to stare blankly into each other's eyes then walk away awkwardly.

"Uhm d-do you want a cake pop?" I blurted holding one out.

I realized what I had said too late, how embarrassing. Now I can roll up in a ball and go die in a hole. I'd much rather walk around the entire park with a bag around my head to cover the shame I felt in this moment. Sometimes I wish my mouth had a filter or that I thought about what I was about to say, I tend to plan my wording but I never follow the plans.

Plans are boring. The unknown is great. I don't know why I even try.

"Anabeth? What in the world are you doing here?!" Niall asked rather yelling than speaking. He looked surprised, I don't blame him.

I looked down and didn't answer. Now that he was in front of me I realized I didn't have the courage to look him in the eyes after what had happened.
He didn't say anything either, he simply ran his hands across his face and up to his hair as he always does when he's either mad or confused.. Or both. Then he reached over and took the cake pops out of my hand.

"I am starving so thank you.. uhm, hi."

I looked up as he began eating.

"Hi.. Uhm. Listen Niall, I know you're wondering why I'm here and how I got here, why it took me so long to come back and why-"

"You're right, I do want to know all of those things and everything else. But I'd rather not talk about that standing at a door.."

I let out a small laugh, it was more of an embarrassed type of nervous laugh rather than any other type of laugh.

"Do you have time to walk around then?"

"Unfortunately, I still would give up all of my time for you," he paused shyly, "uhm, and for DisneyLand of course. Let's go."

He began walking, I think he knows this place like the palm of his hand because he's walking sure of himself as if he owned this place, I simply followed and remained quiet. I was still unsure of what I'd say or how he'd take this but now I couldn't run.

Darn it.

I should've chickened out an hour and a half before this when I actually had the chance!

Alright Anabeth. Breath and let things happen. Don't overthink this. If he loves you as much as you love him he'll understand.

Oh, I just hope he does.

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