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Niall was right. Some Directioners truly didn't care about their happiness. It had been 5 and a half months since Niall and I began dating and we finally decided to announce it and make it official.

Some pictures of us were leaked as well, holding hands and going to the movies or dinner. The media went crazy and so did the fans. They considered the boys their property and weren't willing to share it. My phone began to blow up with Twitter notifications. Some saying I was ugly. Some saying I don't deserve him and some saying I should end this nonsense. I could hear people yelling horrible things at me as I passed by, throwing anything they had in hand. Girls leaving the fandom because they didn't approve of Niall's and I. It was all a complete chaos and I was the cause of it.

Right at that moment, I felt someone grab my arm and begin shaking me a little. I was scared. My breath was faster.

I woke up.

It was Jennifer who was shaking me trying to wake me up. Niall was squatting down besides the bunk bed holding my hand. I must've slept late because I was the only one still sleeping. Everyone was gone already.

They both looked at me worried.
"What was it?" Asked Niall going into the bunk bed and hugging me like a panda.

I didn't want to scare him. I didn't want him to believe I was scared either. All my life I've been the strong girl. I've let nothing hurt me. This wasn't going to be the first thing to do it. It had been a week since the big announcement of our relationship and things were getting out of hand but I pretended I could deal with it. I couldn't.

"Niall it's nothing, what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your dream. What was it? You began to tense up, punch and kick. Anabeth for gods sake you're sweating! And you're shaking! It was not "nothing"!"

"Did I hurt you...?" I asked him.

"No... answer my question. What was it?" He said.

I didn't say anything. I knew that if I mentioned it he would become that kind of overprotective boyfriend and I don't want that. Or he would get mad at me thinking I don't trust him when he says they won't hurt me. If I tell him, our relationship looses. I won't take it. I turned to Jennifer. We can communicate through facial expressions so I didn't have to say anything for her to understand me.

"Niall, she might be in shock right now. That's why she doesn't remember anything or why she won't say. Listen, you should be at stage practice right now so go. I'll stay here with her. Don't worry. Now go." She said to him.

"I won't leave her. Practice can wait... We-"

"Niall leave! You can't forget about your responsibilities. She'll be fine. Go!"

Niall walked out quietly..
I don't know what I would do without Jennifer. She always knows what to do.

"It was that dream right? Of the fans and all the chaos?" She asked me.

"Yes.. Jenni I know it's been months now since Niall and I began dating but, each day makes it harder. Things won't get any easier. Paparazzi barely confirmed us dating and there's people already hating on me on social media... They're threatening me, my family, my friends, and even Niall. You know me. I won't put up with this."

"Beth what did you expect? You're dating the Blondie from One Direction! Everyone knows him. Something like this wouldn't go unknown. All cameras are on him, he's the only one that proves to be a 'good boy' they're all waiting for him to mess up. It's all paparazzi stuff. That's their job, they ruin your life to fix their own."

"Yes I get it. What I don't get is why people have to take it so bad. I would never hurt Niall. I am a fan too. I don't want people to stop supporting them because of me. Besides, you know my bad temper. I wouldn't cry over hate. I would reply to it. And that's what scares me the most. That's what could really hurt my Blondie and the whole band."

"You do have a terrible temper don't you? You won't hurt him, I promise. Have I ever broken a promise? No. Ignore the hate. Log out of social media if you have to. Don't create a drama over dumb comments, and please never reply to them or that poor person will need therapy to gain their self esteem back."

We both began to laugh at that. Ever since elementary I've never gotten in a fist fight. Im not the type of girl to punch others. I've never cried over others opinions. What I do have is a bad temper. If a person gets me mad I reply. And I say horrible things that can hurt them. I'm the type of person that fights verbally. And believe me when I say, I'm quite an expert at it.

"Okay Jenni. I promise I will try. I need to learn how to control myself. Especially this dream, it's getting out of hand."

"We will work on it. Now you have to tell Niall. He won't put up with you refusing to tell him. You say you don't want to lose him. Well tell him the truth. I won't always be here to make him leave. He's your boyfriend Anabeth, he cares about you more than himself. That poor guy is head over heels for you and all you do is push him away. Don't you trust him?"

"Of course I trust him! But right now he has to worry about his career and his fans, not his dramatic girlfriend that doesn't even know what is going on with herself."

"Well you gotta tell him either way. Just saying. Anyways. Let's go eat yeah? Enough drama, llama. I want breakfast."

I laughed and said sarcastically;
"See? Not even my best friend cares so why would he? Food gets me. Yes. Let's go get food. Because food is the solution to everything"

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