Kicking Butt

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I couldn't approach Niall. Not now in front of all these fans in the middle of all this chaos, and now that I had seen him, my nerves were way up in the sky. Higher than the Empire State. I don't think I can approach him at all!

I also don't think that One Direction was supposed to be outside taking pictures and signing autographs, the bodyguards seemed unprepared to handle such a big crowd, the expression of fear on their faces was hilarious, although the boys were managing them very well. Kids and teenagers were leaving with bright smiles on their faces and full of enthusiasm. These boys transmit unbelievable feelings.

A park security made his way to Joe and told him something, I'm guessing it was to go backstage because right after that the boys left.
I couldn't let them leave, what would I do here?! Joe is my ride home and if I lose John I'll never get to Niall. I need to get close to them even if it means getting pushed around by the fans and possibly being recognized.

I began pushing my way through the crowd then yelled at the top of my lungs


They didn't seem to hear me though, they were too busy trying to get the guys backstage without losing one of them - or themselves - to the crowd. That would be tragic, it has happened before.

Louis, however, did hear me because he quickly turned in my direction and began scanning the people until he got to me. He smiled and waved then turned to Harry to tell him something. Harry also turned to look for me and waved once he found me in between the crowd. He then turned to Zayn and Zayn turned to Liam, they basically repeated the whole searching and waving motion. Those boys are complete dorks!
Zayn whispered something to John and I'm guessing it was my location because he quickly made his way up to me once he knew the boys were safely far away from fans. I had to wait a few minutes though since the crowd was immense and it took a while to get through alive.

When he finally got to me he laughed and said,
"You looked like a 5 year old whose dream ha always been to visit Disney. I lost you halfway through and before I could go looking for you I saw the whole crowd situation. Glad to find you alive."

"I barely survived, John I could've died!" I cried with a dramatic tone of voice.

"We all know you can take great care of yourself Beth. How are you liking this place?"

"I'm still in awe actually but the most beautiful thing I've seen is by far this one blonde boy, I think you know him."

"I think I do know a blonde.." Said John laughing

"Well, he caught my eye at first sight." I said in my most elegant voice, trying to sound like a fancy reader reading a basic tale to a kid before going to sleep.

"Woah, Beth, am I going crazy or are romantic phrases coming out of your mouth? It must be the end of the world."

"Oh darn it John. Just play along, you won't hear me saying these type of stupidities very often."

"Alright madam, I might be able to get you to this blonde boy you're talking about. Right this way please"

We both laughed as he began walking and I followed.

I don't say this type of things on a daily basis but right now I'm very nervous, and if I don't ignore it and let it out someway I might explode and lose my sanity. I basically say the dumbest things ever when I'm nervous. Professional communication class didn't help at all, such a waste.

We finally reached backstage where all the performing artists were waiting. I had never realized how friendly the celebrities actually are, they all seemed to know each other pretty well and get along even better than I get along with Jennifer.

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