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It took me a while before I realized where we were heading, he was taking me back to the stage. I was surprised because the lights were still on and so were the projecting screens. It was already very late and no one was left, or so we thought. There was still a small crowd of fans there, I'm guessing they stayed after they realized that the lights were still on and hoped they would see a band member. Niall kept walking onto the stage but quickly ran back and pulled me with him behind the same screen like last time. I couldn't help to laugh which made him laugh and the small crowd notice us.

"Oops, sorry" I said to him.

"Haha, don't worry. They're not so many girls, plus that was a funny reaction" he said smiling. The small ray of light that could make its way through a small crack between the screens fell directly on his eyes. His dreamy blue eyes sparkled like stars and I got lost in them for a while.

"Well, they won't leave unless I go, but you're coming with me."

"What? No I can't. Niall!" I said. But it was too late because he had already pulled me with him; I forgot he was still holding my hand.

That small crowd could make as much noise as a thousand new born babies! Fortunately, they began to calm down after Niall gave them autographs and took pictures with them. Some girls just looked at me like I was an ugly monster. Some even took pictures of me! I hate pictures, pictures and I don't get along. None but one talked to me. While Niall was trying to send those girls home one girl came up to me and asked, "uhm, are you.. Niall's girlfriend? Or Cousin.. or.?"

I didn't know what to answer, if I said no then Niall would think I just want to be friends and I actually do like him. I don't know how, I thought I would never know what love was. I thought it was just a word people used to make other people stupid. But then I met Niall, then he made me feel different, something I had never felt. I can't imagine my life without him in it, even if it's just as friends. He's one of the few people I can actually be myself with and I'm not afraid of saying what I think to him. I could have so much fun with him yet also have serious conversations. It may sound all cliché and dumb but I'm starting to understand why so many girls just want to find the "right guy". I didn't look for him, he came to me and now I'm here being afraid that I might friendzone him without even wanting to!

I turned to look at him, he was taking a picture with one of the fans, his smile was so sincere, so cute. The effect his presence made on the girls was peculiar. I know it's just the fact that he's famous and all but what about the effect he has in me? I don't see him as a celebrity, I see him as Niall. He has an unexplainable effect in my mood and in my feelings, he makes me want to be a better person and try my best at being me. He makes me happy just by being there.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be nosy, I Just, he's my idol and I want him happy, if you are his girlfriend then I would like to wish you the best and ask you to please don't break his heart. Our fandom is very weird sometimes, some might hate you once they find out, some might be happy but here's a quick advice: If they hate you it's because you've done something right, don't let people let you down. If you're not his girlfriend then I'm glad you got to be friends with one of the best guys in the world." She said once again.

For I second I thought she would start yelling at me or get mad at the simple fact of thinking that Niall is my boyfriend, but her reaction surprised me.

"Thank you. Your words are very inspiring, it's nice to know that One Direction still have fans that just want the boys to be happy and not only fans that want them all to themselves. Your idol is right in front of you, don't waste your opportunity to meet him. And thanks again, really." I said to her. She smiled and walked up to Niall to get a picture and an autograph.

The girls left sooner than I had thought and soon it was only Niall and I again.

"Well that was hectic.." Niall said making a funny face and I laughed.

"It sure was, they were all giving me 'the look'. " I replied

"Haha. Yes I noticed but you managed it really well. As if you didn't mind of what others think of you. Impressive!"

"Why thank you! Haha. Well, after my best friend started to look down on me I decided I would have to learn to not care of others opinions about me. And here I am.."

"Oh. I didn't know that. But I'm glad.. what did that girl tell you? For a second I thought she could get violent." He said with a rather more serious tone.

"I thought so too but it was the complete opposite. She just asked if I was your girlfriend or cousin or just friend." I answered.

"And what did you say?" Niall asked stepping closer.

"Well she began talking before I could answer her. And to be honest her words were captivating."

"Really? And what did she say?"

"She said that if I was your girlfriend she wouldn't mind. All she wanted is to see you happy." I said with a smile.

"It's good to know some fans still care." Niall said. His tone had changed.

"Indeed it is."

"So. Before the concert I wanted to asked you something.."

"Yea. You asked what my favorite song by you was. You're gonna ask me a third time? Memory problems Niall?!" I said playfully.

"Haha. Well, actually that wasn't what I wanted to ask you. I just got very nervous that I decided to ask you something else," he paused and looked into my eyes, then he smiled.

"Uhm, so what was it that you wanted to ask then?" I asked him.

"Well you see, I wanted to say a few things before but I'm not as brave as I might seem to be." He said looking down once again.

I placed my hand on his chin and lifted his head up making his eyes meet mine, "you know you don't have to get nervous with me. Say it. C'mon. What was it?"

He smiled at me and took my hand tightly in his and not breaking eye contact he took a deep breath and said...


You're all going to hate me for this but.. CLIFFHANGER! xD I have spring break. One week without school. Finally! So maybe I'll update again on Tuesday.. Maybe. ;) I hope you're enjoying!!



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