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I definitely had to do something. I couldn't stay sitting there thinking about how sad I was and how sad Niall must've been to write that song. I hurt him. I left because I didn't want to hurt his career and I didn't notice I hurt his feelings. I'm so dumb.

As much as I wanted to skip classes today, I couldn't. I had to turn in my assignment today or else I'd fail the semester so I got ready and went to class.

Here's a fun fact about me: as much as I hate holding back my opinions, I also hate public speaking. Unfortunately, professional communications was all about that. There was a new speech or presentation almost every week, it drove me insane. Every time I went up there to present, I'd embarrass myself terribly, but today I had set my mind to make it the best presentation and let all my nerves hidden.

Since it was the last presentation of the semester, our teacher allowed us to chose any topic we wanted. I chose Pop Culture and how it affected our society even if people saw music as just noise. I ended my speech strongly talking about how songs can have lyrics talking about current political or environmental issues and how we don't notice them because our stereotype of music is songs with complete nonsense as lyrics.
I had managed to complete my speech without letting my nerves ruin it and embarrass me. Everything went well, until we got to the part of,
"any questions?"

A couple of people raised up their hands and began asking questions. I answered them properly and got a good note. But as I was about to sit down, one last girl made me a question;

"So then what do you think about those singers who make nonsense and call it music? Or those who have lyrics with no meaning at all just to sell more?"

"Depends on the person. We can't forget that every singer is also a person, they're not robots, they also have feelings and maybe the lyrics seem like nonsense to us but have a meaning to them"

"Let's take One Direction for example. I'm a huge fan of them but c'mon. Their new album sucks. Are they seriously always sad about girls?!"

"You can never know what's happening in their life's.."

"Okay what about Niall. He composed 3 songs of the album and they're all about lost love and being stupid. If he wasn't so smoking hot I would dislike him. But you know, any girl would kill to get into his pants."

She did not just say that!

"That's my boyfriend you're talking about!" I yelled, I know he's not my boyfriend anymore but something in me made me say that and I didn't stop it.

"Ha. I cmon you wish he was your boyfriend. Don't we all? But admit it. Any sane girl wants him to take their virginity. Just look at him he's a hottie"

The girls in the class laughed and nodded.

"We all want what's under those pants, we don't really care about his songs so they might as well be nonsense. He's not dating anyone so he's available for a night stand" She added.

And that's when I lost it. I walked closer to her until I was standing right in front of her.

Then it happened, I punched her right on the middle of her face, giving her a bloody nose.

"I was so hoping you would say that, I don't know what's going on under your pants but whatever that is you better get it checked because such uncontrollable necessities like yours might get you in serious trouble. Also, what makes you think that Niall would settle for a one night stand with someone like you when he has way better options. Even a cat is a better option. Now shut up you bitch!"

"That's enough girls! I want you both out of my class, now!" Said the teacher.

I grabbed my stuff and walked out. I was pissed. I went to Jennifer's class and waited outside until it was over. We went to lunch and I told her what happened. I don't know why I lost my temper back there so quickly, but I do know that she deserved it.

Since that was the only class I had to turn in work for, I decided to stay in our dorm for the rest of the day with a bag of frozen peas over my bruised hand, watching TV and eating ice cream because, isn't that what teenagers do when they're depressed?

I turned on the Tv and somehow ended up watching an interview with One Direction. Great.
Even though they were the last group of people I wanted to hear about at the moment, I continued watching. The five boys looked happy; smiling, joking around, making a complete mess. It's always been fun to watch them during interviews.

"So guys," said the interviewer, "talk to us about your new album. Any inspirations, special motives, did you guys enjoy composing and recording it?"

Harry rushed to answer. "Well, you see, if we answered that question we would be hypocrites because it was all Niall's work."

"Oh then Niall would you like to talk about this album? A couple of months ago we saw you with this girl, happy.. then she just disappeared, would this have any connection to her?" Asked the interviewer.

Liam was sitting next to him and right after the interviewer asked that, he turned to Niall with a worried face. Niall simply too a breath and smiled, leaving Liam less preoccupied about what this question might lead to.

"Ha. Geez, uhm. I'll be straight up, there's no way to say these songs are for someone else because they're not. The songs I composed for this album are fully connected to her. However it's time to move on. But hey don't focus on me, all the boys helped create this album equally."

At this point I wasn't sure what hurt more; my bruised hand, or my shattered heart.

He cared, he actually cared. And he admitted that he wrote those songs about - if not for - me.

I turned off the TV and laid down. I had to do something, now. And what I'm about to do is probably the most courageous thing that I have ever dated to do. Seriously, now I'm starting to realize that love makes you so stupid things that you never imagined on doing.

Hello! I hope you all are doing great and enjoying this story. You're more than halfway through!! I have decided to make this 40 chapters long, seems a lot for some of you, seems short to others, but some chapters are super short and I still had a lot of ideas to finish up. I officially finished writing this "book" so I'll be updating every Friday from now on until it's done.

Thank you for reading and enjoy! (I personally love the ending.. Wink wink)

Enough of me! Let me know about you!! What do you think? Are you liking this story? I might take requests on anything you would want to happen in the story and stuff it in somewhere in the plot.

Please continue reading, I promise it gets better and it's not just boring drama after drama after drama.

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Other than that, I'll catch you guys in the next update!

Adios. (:

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