Back For You

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You know how in every romantic movie or story, the girl leaves and the boy is the one who has to go back for her? He's the one that has to go through all the struggle of leaving everything behind just to go for the love of his life. That's unfair.

In my case, we both have things we can't leave behind so easily just to go after each other. I have college, he has his new tour. Did I mention that One Direction decided to go on tour again even though they've barely had time to rest?

They have 6 more months until their tour starts next June. I have 5 months until I'm done with my freshman year at college next May.

But, am I really waiting that much longer to do something about these feelings that continue making me miserable?

Jennifer has been playing songs by the boys every single day since the Four album was released. Songs from the very beginning to the newest, and just yesterday I heard a song called "Back for you". I'm not sure it's well known anymore or if any fan remembers if but I liked it, and it gave me the push I needed to do what I'm about to do.

"I've never been so into somebody before
And every time we both touch I only want more
So tell me nothing's going to change yeah
And you won't ever walk away yeah
'Cause even though every night you'll know what I'll say

So, there is definitely no way I can buy an airplane ticket and go to wherever Niall is to apologize and ask if he'll take me back. We have Christmas break this week but Jenni and I are on low budget so we couldn't go home to spend the holidays with our family; instead, she helped me plan something quite crazy if I say so myself.

Let me begin by saying I'm not the type to apologize, my pride is probably higher than Mount Everest and there's no way to make it decrease. This time though, I realized I did wrong, very wrong. I needed to fix this. I needed closure like Jenni said that other day as she talked to Liam.

We planned to video chat him. Not telling him it was me or anything so he would accept then take things from there but, things didn't go as planned.

I had been walking back and forth in our dorm trying to figure out what in the world I would tell Niall, how I was going to need all the courage in the world to look at him and talk after so many months. I know it wasn't as bad as in person but my nerves were still eating me inside out.

That's when Jennifer walked in, killing my train of thoughts, as always.

"I packed your bags already and got you a taxi to the airport. Here's your ticket. It's round trip but I'm hoping it'll be a one way flight. I got all the things you'll need so-"

I cut her off, "wait what are you even talking about? I'm not going home remember? Low budget."

"Exactly, you are not going home. You're going to Orlando."

"Orlando? Like, the one Florida? Wait Jennifer, no I'm not what's going on?!"

"Our plan was to talk to Niall wasn't it? Well I figured that maybe it would be better if you talked to him in person. Liam had told me that they were going to perform at the Disneyland Christmas celebration held every year so he made some calls and managed to fix all the details and get you there."

"Woah, you're out of you're mind I'm not-"

"Oh yes you are. You're going. Liam knew we were short on money so he arranged everything along with Harry, Louis, and Zayn."


"Does Niall know you're going? Nope he doesn't. But better for you because you get to surprise him and make a big romantic gesture like in every movie. Except, in every movie its the guy who goes after the girl and here you guys are reversing the roles."

"Jennifer would you quit cutting me off at the middle of my sentences?! I can't-"

"You can and you are. You know why? Because deep inside you want to go back to him. Your plane leaves in an hour so you better move your butt. Now! Go get your lover."

"But I-"

"Anabeth, dear lord, shut up and follow your heart rather than your mind for once. If you refuse to go I'll have to take you by force. Now leave! I'll be fine alone for a week or so. Don't worry."

She took my arm before I could try to say anything and dragged me downstairs and outside to the taxi that was already waiting. She handed me my passport and ticket then hugged me goodbye.

"Go look for that part of your happiness that you're missing."

The taxi had barely made it on time for me to catch my plane. I wasn't sure what I was doing but it didn't feel wrong. This whole time I had been preparing myself to talk to Niall, not to see him in person again. I wasn't ready, but I wasn't going to run away. Not again. What would I say to him? I don't know. How will I even find him? Oh my. Let's just let things happen.

The flight would be approximately 5-6 hours, so that gave me only a limited amount of time to try organizing my thoughts and plan what I would say or do. I had to prepare myself for him turning me down. I mean, I wouldn't blame him, but I was certainly hoping he didn't. He doesn't have to take me back, I only need to talk to him. I need him. Before the plane took off, Jenni sent me a text:

"Check your bag, there's something you gotta see before anything happens. Good luck!"

The plane took off and I reached into my bag to see what it was I had to see. There was nothing out of normality. I dug further down and found a terribly folded letter tied to a red envelope. This had to be it.

Dedication to cumhoran for never missing an update and always voting, commenting, and leaving amazing feedback. Thank you for the support!! *sends virtual hugs* (:

Also, I think I've made you guys wait too long for what's going to happen so I decided to update a few chapters all at once next Monday since I've received great feedback.

Hope you enjoy and continue reading, commenting, and voting.

Adios, I wish to hear from you guys soon! ❤️

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