Are you hungry?

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"That was deep ._. And cheesy.. you know, I really think that you shouldn't let your happiness depend on finding that 'right person'. I've always hated the fact of everyone expecting to have a happy ending and living 'happily ever after' :b"

I know I know. He was probably expecting an "aww. How cute!(':" but nope. Since he's trusting me. I'll trust him too..not with everything of course because he's still "the stranger" but some things are okay sharing with him. He seems to be a good person, so I hope he understands my point there.

Direct Mesaage from @NiallHoran: "wow!! You're full of surprises. :) You're not afraid to say what you think. That's...different. I think that happiness can be found in other things also. But it won't be complete without having love. xx"

Now that he mentions it. It is different. I usually push people away naturally. But him..either I'm not doing a good job at pushing him away or he's very stupid. I usually don't speak out my opinions. But I dunno, I don't see him as a celebrity. I see him as an ordinary guy, that's probably why I don't care much of what he may or may not think of me.

"Good different or bad? D: and well stranger. There's a lot you don't know about me. We have different opinions on what happiness consists of then"

I've been answering him back without having to think of what to say. Just as odd as him answering back super quick.

Direct message from @Niall Horan: "Good different indeed! A lot I don't know..? In that case, it is now my goal to get to know you better Anabeth. :) xx"

I find it quite odd how he has called me by my name like twice now, while I'm here still calling him a stranger.

From then on we kept talking. We got to know each other's favorite color, music, book, food, animal and so on. We got to tell each other stories of our past. Not so important tho. I actually started to open up to him more but i still keep things to myself. Not like he cares anyways. We've told each other lame 'knock knock' jokes, extremely lame ones!

In a matter of weeks he gave me his phone number so we wouldn't have to be logged into twitter everyday.

We could talk all day long sometimes! It's very interesting how we can have varied conversations. Serious, fun, weird, normal, stupid, important, useless, just to mention a few.

We became good friends easily. The only ones that knew about me talking to Niall were Adriana, Celeste, Noah and of course Jennifer, which was by the way the most excited one of them all. She says that anyone would kill to be in my shoes. Well that's relaxing. To be honest. Again, I don't see Niall as the celebrity he is. I see him as my friend. As an amazing and hilarious human. As a normal person that just got lucky but I'm guessing is humble because he took the time to talk to a random girl on Twitter and get to know her(me).

A few months passed, the concert was in July, less than a month from now, but Niall told me yesterday that they were going to be in town very soon, just, secretly. They wanted to have time for themselves before the concert. Get rest, have fun. Visit new places.

I didn't know that by 'soon' he meant a day. My phone started vibrating in my pocket. I took it out and saw I got a message from Niall.

"Are you hungry? :)"

What the heck?! Yeah! Hi. I'm fine thanks for asking. I thought. That was too random. But what else can you expect from him? I unlocked my phone and replied:

"Hungry? Uhm..depends(;"

"I'm in town. You were right. This weather is bipolar!! Down to get a pizza and rent some movies? ;)"

He. Said. Pizza. I'm not stupid! Of course I'm down!! Anything that involves pizza is always a good idea. I can't believe he remembered that I said the weather was bipolar.

"I told you! Pizza! <3 Sure!! Where at?"

Apparently he already had the pizza and movies because all he sent me was the address to the hotel they were staying at and the room number. The most obvious hotel, yet nobody knew they were there?! No comment.

I grabbed my coat and car keys and made my way to the hotel.

While I was driving I realized it would be the first time I ever meet him in person. We became such good friends that I hadn't thought of that and now that I do, I'm not nervous. It seems like we already know each other so it'll be fun. I learned over time to trust him, I learned that celebrities are not aliens! They're just normal people that wish to have a time out sometimes. Wait!! Maybe I should invite Jennifer. She would die to meet the boys!!

"Niall. Can I bring a friend?(:"

"Of course. Oh before I forget. When you get here the guards won't let you pass without the "magic word" xD"

"Thanks. And if that's so. What's the magic word? (x"

"Potatoes ._."

Potatoes?! Really. I'm literally cracking up right now.

"Oh dang it. Now I want chips! xD"

"I've got you covered. I have pizza, chips and sodas here ;)"

"Okay. I'll be there soon!!"

I called Jennifer to tell her to get ready. I just omitted the part of the possibility of meeting One Direction.

In less than an hour we were already in the hotel. As Niall said..the 'magic word' was potatoes. I laughed every time I thought of that. I knocked at the door. Jennifer still looked at me with wondering eyes.
"What are we doing here? I thought we were going to get pizza."
"We are." I answer.
A smirk on my lips.

The door opened and Jennifer's eyes widened up. She had a huge smile on her face and just stood there frozen. In shock.


I hope you guys are liking my story (: I'm trying my best. Uhm. Mention it to friends. Keep voting and commenting please. That would make my holidays beyond wonderful! :D thank you guys!

Dedication to: all the fans out there who really want to meet the 1D guys..don't lose hope! c:

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