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Atlanta, Georgia
4 Weeks Later. August 7th, 2023.

Time had flew since Dyce's birthday trip and before he knew it, he was back in New York with his mother to help with her business before his semester started

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Time had flew since Dyce's birthday trip and before he knew it, he was back in New York with his mother to help with her business before his semester started. Not only was he back in New York but Gunna was there as well to check on his family and the businesses that he now shared with Smoke. They were going to make an appearance back.. just of course needed to handle some things before they do so.

As for Leo and Seven, they put their work to the side for a few weeks to enjoy time alone with one another in the Bahamas. Claimed they needed a well needed baecation away from everybody which nobody complained about. This left Kailyn, Kalee and Smoke to stay in Atlanta focusing on their next move. Well.. Smoke knew exactly what his move was, it was just Kailyn who was having slight trouble at the moment.

Complications were happening in regards of her album. Not because everything wasn't going how they wanted for it to go but because, she was having trouble with the final song. Her release date was going to happen somewhere between late September and early October. Of course, there was going to be a party but there needed be a finish product first.

So, while she sat in the studio going over every single song.. Smoke sat at home with Kalee who was running around screaming. Yeah. it was his turn to babysit today.

"Aight little girl.. that's enough." Smoke informs stopping in his tracks to catch his breath but Kalee wasn't hearing him. She continued to scream and run around, "Sit down."

Kalee turns to look at her father once hearing the sternness in his voice and took a seat onto the couch that was in front of her. Her lips formed into a pout and Smoke knew that she was about to cry.

He didn't like being stern with her nor raise his voice at her but if he needed to take a page from out of Kailyn's book ? He was going to do so.

"Aww shit." He mutters before making his way towards her. Taking a squat in front of her as she started to cry, Smoke took her little hands into his bigger ones and use his thumb to gently rub the backside of it, "Don't cry, mama. Look, dada wasn't tryin' to be mean. It's just that dada needs a break okay ?"

Kalee nods her head in a way of understanding.

"So, stop cryin'." He says using one of his hands to wipe the tears from his daughter's face, "We can play later, let's just do somethin' else now. You hungry ?"

"Yeah." Kalee mutters before letting out a yawn.

"And sleepy too but let's go get you some food. Whatchu wanna eat ?" He questions standing up and taking her up onto his hip.

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