Ch 15. Craziness

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Me and Adam ride the bus home. Adam seems very quiet.
"Do u feel okay" I ask
"Yea but my tooth hurts" he starts wiggling if around.
Me and Adam decide to go to my place.
Connor and Gabe were playing on the Wii. "Hey.." I say
They turn off the Wii. They sit down on the couch looking exhausted.
I handed Connor the note.
" need to see the eye doctor" he says
Adam walks in the other room and begins wiggling his tooth again. He didn't want to go to the dentist.
I walk in the other room where Adam was, " you alright" I say
"I guess" then point to his loose tooth.
"Let's go to my room real quick" I say then we go upstairs then close the door. "Good thing u didn't say anything downstairs about your tooth"
"Why" Adam says
"Gabe hates sugar he stared at me yesterday I had that sugary milkshake" I say
Adam concentrate then managed to rip out his tooth.
My eyes widened.
" and.." he says but blood starts coming out"
I gave him a few napkins and take him to my bathroom.
"Swish your mouth out it will stop" I say

Gabe had good hearing

Adam did so.
It luckily stopped.
"That's better" Adam giggles.

We come out of the bathroom then Gabe was sitting on my bed. The bloody napkin was still on my bed.
I jumped
"What are you doing in here" I ask
"What's with the napkin" he asks pointing to it.
I gulp
"Nothing I had a nose bleed" I smile nervously.
Adam had his tooth in his hand clenched he looked very guilty
Me and Adam went to the door but Gabe beat us.
"What do you want!" I raised my voice and tried to push him out of the way.
Adam became angry.
I looked at him
"I lost a tooth" he says
I looked at him with widened eyes.
God dang it.
Gabe moves then lets us out and we went downstairs.
We sat down next to Connor. Have stands in front of all three of us.
"He lost a tooth. He didn't say anything they both went into the other room really quietly" hand says
"Adam what happened" Connor says with a concerned look on his face
"I fell in Soccer.. my tooth came loose came here and pulled it out so I don't have to go to you know where" Adam says
"The dentist I get it everyone hates it there but they don't hurt you" gabe  says
I chuckle. "Sure me and Adam are gonna hang out in my room"
We went upstairs.
I begin laughing.
Adam looks at me.

Later that night Adam went home and we had dinner some spaghetti and meat balls.
"He doesn't know does he?" Gabe says
"Nope" I say.

After dinner I got ready for bed and went to sleep.


I get home
"Hey honey how was school" mom asks
"Okay I knocked out my tooth in soccer" I shrug
"Lordy well anyways you need to go the dentist soon anyways you haven't been to one " she says
I've never seen one.
My big secret.
"Mom no" I whine
"But why?" Mom says
"I don't like doctors or needles" I say
She sighs.
"I'm sorry but I've hit one scheduled for you tomorrow morning"

"WHY" I yell

"Don't shout" she says
I whine and stormed off my room

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