Chapter 1- moving with Connor

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me and my mom get in a lot of arguments so she thought it is best if I move in with Connor, my brother who is also a doctor and he's 25.
And let me tell you he's a germaphobe Eve since I was born I noticed he would clean a lot and keep everything tidy and stuff. Also he as OCD.

The day I moved in with Connor was interesting now let me tell you how it goes.

Connor lives in America in Rhode Island . So me and my mom have to get on a plane. The morning I left was a disaster
First of all it was raining which was typical for the UK. Then I had a lot of stuff to bring including 2 big suitcases of my clothes and some Carry on bag.

My mom flew with me since I was only 7 years old but she left when we got off the plane my brother met me at the airport in Rhode Island.

Once I spotted my brother I ran up to him and gave him a big hug. He was dressed pretty nice in a button up shirt and black skinny jeans and his professional glasses.

"Leo!" He said in a excited tone and picked me up and hugged me. My full name is Leonardo Wolfe But I hate my full name..

My mom didn't really like my brother that much because of how much a germaphobe he is.

Connor helped me get my bags and carry them to his car. "Airports are filthy places" he said that squirted some hand sanitizer in my hands.

I chuckled forgetting how much Connor was a germaphobe. "So um you still a germaphobe Connor?" I asked

"Yes! Of course! I hate germs!" Connor said as he started up the car. He had a Jeep. A blue one to be exact. We drove off to his house and got there and parked in the garage.
"Please take your shoes off in here I don't like diet tracking in the house" Connor said demonstrating taking the shoes off. I took my worn out shoes off and started carrying my bags in the house. My brother carried them upstairs to my room. "This is your room Leo" he said I was looking around and he was behind me hands on my shoulders. "This is really nice Connor" I say

"Thank you very much, and every weekend we clean and disinfect the rooms in the house" he said. I stepped in the room and sat on the bed. It was one of those bunk beds with one bed on top and a desk underneath.

"I will give you an official tour and discuss the rules" Connor said

He showed me around the house he had a closet full of medical supplies and disinfectant.
He had things of hand sanitizer in every room. Holy lord he was the biggest germaphobe.

"So umm what's for dinner?" I ask. It was around 4 pm the same day. And one more thing about him he is a health freak!

"Organic chicken, mixed vegetables and a big glass of milk, full of calcium!" He said

I go downstairs and sit at the breakfast bar. He handed me a plate of food which looked very good. I was about to take a bite when he said

"Wash your hands before and after eating" he said
I rolled my eyes then go to the sink and wash my hands then I finally was able to sit down and enjoy my meal.

"So Leo, When was your last checkup?" He asked me

"I don't remember it been years" I said looking up at him he had a serious look on his face.

"Well I'm gonna give you one after dinner, also my friend Gabriel is a dentist you'll see him eventually" Connor said

I looked up at him I never seen a dentist in my life mom never made appointments. "Umm Okay.." I mumble and eat my dinner once I was finished I clean my plate and wash it.

Oh boy not a checkup.. I'm not ready I don't like needles..

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