Chapter 3- needles

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I woke up the next morning around 9. I groan and climb out of bed. I go to my wardrobe and grabbed some adidas wear. I love adidas, I always wear it. I get my phone off the charger and head to the bathroom. I changed into my clothes and brushed and flossed my teeth like I always do.. most of the time.

I head downstairs to see Connor cooking breakfast
"What are you doing?" I question

"Cooking breakfast" he said

"Oh okay.." I say. Also I forgot to tell him I may or may not have an eating disorder.

"I am not hungry.." I mumble under my breath. He turns around and looks at me. "Mom said you have a huge appetite"

"She was lying i don't" I say then go to the den and sit on the couch.

"Your gonna have to eat something you are getting shots today" he said

"I'm not hungry Connor don't you see!" I say getting really upset. He is a germaphobe but he always wants you to eat something. He can be a nutritionist because he has the credits to do so.

"Oh.." he says

"Finally.." I mumble then turned  on the tv and watch sponge bob.

He comes over to me with a small bowl of yogurt. "I said I wasn't hungry!" I yell

"You have to eat" he says then sits next to me. I guess he wants to watch me eat it. Why was he like this. I'm learning new things about my brother everyday.

"What kind is this?" I ask playing with the spoon in the bowl. It was a pinkish yogurt, I hope it want Greek yogurt because I don't like Greek.

"Strawberry" he says

"Oh ok, but is it Greek?" I ask

"I don't think so" he says

I took a bite of the yogurt and it was Greek. I made the weirdest facial expression and get up dump the rest out and out the bowl in the sink. Then rinse my mouth out with water. But the taste was still lingering.

He looked at me with a concerned look. "It was Greek or it was expired.." I blurt our as I walk back into the den where Connor was still sitting.

"It was?" He said then walks to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see what kind it was. "It's not Greek.. it might be expired" he mumbles then checks the date on the container.
He makes a facial expression and opens the container and smells it.
"Eww" he mumbles and tosses the container in the bin.

"So it was expired" I chuckle

"Yea.. sorry about that" he says then gets a pop tart out of the cabinet and tosses it to me. I catch it. "What kind is it?" I ask

"Umm" Connor says and checks the box.

"Strawberry.." he says

"Ohh okay" I say and opened the pop tarts and nibble on one.
Connor grabs me a bottle of water and hands it to me.

soon after we were off to my brothers doctors office. we arrive there and he sets me up in a exam room, he left the room for a few, then comes back with a tray with quite a feel needles.

"i don't want injections!" i whine

"i don't want you sick i want you protected, your getting the flu shot eventually but today your getting 6 injections i'm sorry bud you need to be caught up.."

my eyes widened i jump off the bed but connor was quick enough and blocked the door.

i start crying "i'm scared!"

"shh bud, none of them hurt it's just a small pinch i promise" Connor said kneeling down in front of me and smiling at me with his pearly whites

i groan giving up and sit back on the bed. "it won't take long at all just 6 quick pinches 3 in each arm" he says

he rolls up my left sleeve and wipes my upper arm with an alcohol pad. "on the count of 3.. 2..1" he says and quickly but gently injects the first vaccine. i didn't flinch really that first one didn't hurt.

he did 2 more on my left arm then puts a bandaid on it. then goes to my right arm and does the last 3 injections after wiping it down.

we were finally finished but Connors phone started ringing and he answered it
he kept nodding then ended in a "i'm on my way"

he hung up his phone. "who was that?" i ask

"Gabriel my best mate" he says then disposed of the used  syringes in the sharps container then started wiping down surfaces.

"wait does that mean i'm going to the dentist now?" i ask and twiddle my thumbs

"yes, one of his appointments canceled" he says

the color drained from my face. i hate dentists more than doctors or maybe the same..

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