Ch 10 -wisdom teeth removal surgery

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the next day came, the day of my wisdom teeth removal surgery. I did not want it but it will make the pain go away.
Gabe and Leo were the first ones up this morning and Leo came and jumped on my bed. It was earlier the sun was just rising this morning and I heard birds also my window was a open a crack letting a nice breeze in.
I groan and groan and Leo kept trying to wake me up.
"Gabe is making breakfast get up sleepy head" Leo said giggling
I wasn't hungry really. I was nervous but I know I should eat.
I tackled Leo into my bed and tickled him. He was laughing like a hyena.
I might of pushed Leo off my bed by accident when I was tickling him since I heard a thud and crying.
I immediately sit up and got out of bed and went to Leo and bend down next to him.
"Leo are you okay?" I say

"I fell" he says starting to slow down his crying

"Did you hurt anything?" I says

"I fell on my nose and face" Leo says
Now touching his aching nose.

"Did you hurt anything in your mouth" I say

"I don't think so" he says

"Good but I could have Gabe check?" I say

"Nothing hurts" he says and his nose starts to bleed.
I was quick enough and attended to the nose bleed and got it under control then it finally stopped.

We go downstairs I was holding him

Gabe looked in our direction.
Leo had a tissue in hand. I set him down.

"I heard a thud what happened" Gabe asked while dishing breakfast in three bowls. He made breakfast bowls with eggs sausage and cheese.
"He fell off my bed" I say
Then Gabe looks at Leo.

"Why does he have a bloody nose" Gabe asks

"He fell on his face by accident" I finally mention and I sit down to eat so did Leo.

"Ouch, but he didn't hurt anything in his mouth right?" Gabe says and glares at me then at Leo then back at me.

"No" Leo says

"No" I say

Gabe shrugs. "Alright but if anything starts to hurt let me know"

"Nothing hurts Gabe" Leo says

Soon after breakfast we all got dressed and got into Gabes car. I did not wanna drive as I was getting surgery soon that I was not happy about.

Once we got three I immediately went to the bathroom and locked the door.
I did not want surgery. I was nervous and I know I shouldn't be because Gabe is my best friend and he will never hurt me.

Gabe knocked on the door. "You okay mate?"

"Yea just need a few minutes" I say

Quite a few minutes passed and I still couldn't come out.

"Connor" Gabe said he was still at the door
"I'm nervous" I say

"There is nothing to worry about you will be put under" Gabe said

I finally come out with a grumpy face and Gabe smiles at me. "We should head on back should we?"

We went back to the room and I took a seat and he took my heart rate. Gabe left Leo in the playroom so he doesn't have to see this. He puts a oximeter  on my finger to monitor me on one of the screens. Soon enough I was put under and the surgery began

A hour later I start to wake up and look at my surroundings. I was still in the dental chair. I go to say something but there is gauze in my mouth.
Gabe was cleaning up in the background. My mouth was throbbing.
I groan in pain then Gabe noticed me.

"Ahh I see someone is awake" Gabe says

I nod. I didn't wanna talk because I was in pain.
Gabe brought Leo in.

"Connor what happened" Leo said in a concerned voice.
"He just had wisdom teeth surgery he is in pain and has gauze in his mouth and can't talk" Gabe said
Gabe sighed.

We went home a little while later I was laid on the couch and had my gauze changed and got pain medication.
Gabe and Leo watched movies all day with me.
Then Leo started eating some sour patch kids I bought for him a few days ago.
Gabe looked right at him and sighed and was about to get up and chase him.
Leo saw this. He bolted up the stairs and into his room with the candy. He had a few other sweets that I said he could have in the cabinet this was before Gabe moved in.

Yea I'm a health freak but a kid has to have a few sweets once in a while.

"Why was he eating sour patch kids?" Gabe asked

"I don't know" I say it was a bit muffled as I still had gauze in my mouth.

"I sure hope you didn't but those for him" Gabe said

I sigh. Later on we all went to bed and made sure Leo brushes his teeth and I stood in the doorway to watch him. I was sleepy. Gabe already went to bed so I had to make sure.

It was Friday. On Monday Leo starts school.. I hope he likes it.. going to be in 2nd grade...

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