Chapter 2- mini checkup

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Connor got finished eating and washed his plate and out the clean dishes away.

"Okay are you ready?" Connor said coming up to me. "I guess" I say and sit on the couch.

Connor went in the closet and grabbed medical supplies. Then came up to me and sat down next to me. "It shouldn't hurt it all unless you haven't got your vaccinations?" He questions and put his stethoscope bulb on my chest and takes my heart rate.

"Um I don't know she really never took me to the doctor except when I was really little" I said

"Well then, we can go to my office tomorrow and complete this checkup if that's fine? Connor asks.

"That will be fine" I say

"Then I can take you to see Gabriel I just gotta call and ask if he is busy tomorrow" Connor said and got up then walked away and dialed Gabriel.


My phone rang and I picked it up. I was in my personal office at work. I was about to clock out for the evening

"Hello? Dr.Watts speaking" I say

"Hello this is Connor" Conner says

"Oh hey how's my best bud doing?" I say then clock out, lock up and proceed to my car.

"Are you available to fit my little brother in tomorrow?" He asks

"Well, unfortunately not but I'll see if someone cancels tomorrow I will text you if they did" I say and drive home

"That's fine, have a good night" he says then hangs up the phone.


"Well What did he say?" I ask walking up to Connor and looking at him.

"He couldn't fit you in but if someone cancels he can" Connor said

I turn around and say "yippee" to myself then went upstairs. I didn't want to see the dentist, nor ever.


he went upstairs. I sigh. Then start cleaning the kitchen, wiping everything down. Yes I'm a germaphobe and I n ever want me or Leo to get sick. I want my home as sterile as possible.

Once I was done cleaning I headed upstairs and took a shower and got ready for bed.

I knocked on Leo door
"Come in" Leo said


Connor comes in to me sorting out my new room.

"Whatcha doing?" Connor asks

"Sorting out my room" I say and put my final clothings items away.

"You've made quite some progress" Connor chuckles

"Yea, I actually like being organized" I chuckle

"Well it's getting late I want you to shower, brush and floss your teeth and get at least 7 hours of sleep" Connor mentioned

I looked at him. "Why at least 7 not 4?" I say. I was used my the other time zone and I am still awake it was earlier in the UK around this time.

"Because young boys like you need their sleep that's why" Connor said helping me put away a few more things.

"But I'm used to the other time zone not this one" I say

"At least try to sleep for me" Connor said

I sighed grabbed some pajamas and proceed to the bathroom. It was a nice bathroom with a huge walk in shower. Connor handed me some shampoo, body wash, conditioner, a toothbrush and toothpaste. Then a towel and washcloth.

I started the shower and hopped in. It was a better shower then I had when I lived with the my mom.

I then lather myself in the awesome smelling body wash, shampoo and conditioner. I get out of the shower then went to my room then laid in bed for quite a few hours then eventually fell asleep

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