Ch 27- Happy birthday

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It's my 8th birthday.
It was Saturday.
We decided to go to the movies and other fun stuff.
"Do I have a birthday cake?" I ask
"Yes you do it's at home, double chocolate fudge" Connor says
We finish with the movies and go out to dinner.
We were all in good spirits.
We get home.
"Happy birthday to you.." they all sang to me and blew out the candles.
We all ate some cake besides Gabe.
I smirk at him then grab another piece of cake and smash it right in his face
Everyone but Gabe burst out in laughter
"What did I ever do to you.." gabe says now taking his glasses and removing the excess cake.
I take some frosting and made sure he got a taste of it
" you know I hate cake ugh.." Gabe whines
"You don't like cake?" Randy asks
"No.. I don't like sugar" Gabe says
" really you crazy" Randy says
"Yea.." Gabe says
We also had vanilla ice cream, Gabe actually likes vanilla ice cream and smoothies and such.
We watched a few movies.
"Anyways we are gonna go to the amusement park tomorrow" Connor says

"Yay!" I exclaim

The next day comes....

We all head to the amusement park. This amusement park is amazing.
"Randy can't ride much maybe a few kiddie rides" Gabe says pointing towards the kiddie land
Randy was looking at the big ones
"I wanna go on those!" Randy says
"Your not tall enough yet maybe in a few years." Gabe said.
"Aww.." he says
While me and Gabe did some big coasters , Connor stayed and did some smaller rides with Randy even though it was not much.
We all ended up in the mini game section and arcade and won some cool prizes.
We got some dinner there and did a few more things before we left to go home.
Me and Randy fell asleep on the way home.
I woke up when we got home but Gabe had to carry in Randy who was totally out.
How does he get away with not brushing his teeth
Maybe Gabe is still gaining his trust.

I went to my room grab some clothes and take a nice shower and eventually fall asleep.

The next day..

Connor has cut down his hours a bit to help with Randy and such.
I get up and head downstairs.
Connor was sitting on the couch and Randy was watching Bluey.
"Hey Leo" Connor says
"Morning.." I say
"Leo!" Randy says and runs up to me and gives me a hug.
"Randy needs to see the tooth doctor he has been wiggling his tooth a lot" Connor says
"Yea.." I say
"In order for him to be brave your gonna have to be a role model and prove to him it doesn't hurt" Connor explains.
Randy was focused on his tv show.
"You got to be kidding me.." I whine
" he need to go to the actual doctor he apparently never seen one, I'm actually surprised he is really healthy.. all he been through I'm surprised" Connor says
"I suppose.." I say

I need to show Randy how to be brave

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