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It was around five o clock in the morning Connor was driving to the airport, Leo was in the back asleep, Connor did not want to leave Leo alone.

He drops me off at the terminal and grab my bag and head off to security.

My flight was like 4 something hours to the UK.
I arrive there and mom picks me up little Randy was in the backseat he doesn't really remember me. Last time a saw him he was very young.
"Randy this is your brother Gabe it been a really long time" Mom says
I wave to Randy "hi" he says nervously
"He probably doesn't remember you" mom laughs
We got to my childhood home. Dad was there.
We walk in. "Hey Gabe"
"Hi" I said
I really didn't like him but had to say Hi
I look at all the picture I point to Randy of me holding him and he smiles.
"Does he know" I ask mom
"Yea.. he's sad but it's for the best.. once I'm getting better I may come visit okay?" She says
"Okay mommy" Randy says and hugs mom

That evening Me and Randy were about to leave we had dinner then we were dropped at the airport. We went through security and got to our terminal. Randy was really upset that he had to leave mom but it's for the best.
Randy was crying as the flight began I made sure to hold his hand, it was his first flight.
It was a long flight but we got snacks and such.
"I want ch-chocolate Gabe" he whines as the lady with the snacks.
"Okay.." I say
I got a few cookies for Randy. He was happier even though it really irritates me he was eating Sugar.
As you know.
I don't think mom ever took him to a doctor.
Welp before that I have to get him used to the new living situations.
We get off the flight. He was now sitting on my shoulders when we navigate to the exit to find Connor and Leo.
"I'm hungry.." he whines
"We will get some food when we find them.. I think I see them" I say
I find them and they were smiling at me. "Hey!" Leo says jumping up and down.
Randy was a bit nervous
"Leo this is Randy my little brother" I say
"Hi Randy!" Connor and Leo say
"Hi.." he whispers
We leave the airport.
We get back to the house.
"Welcome home.." I say
Randy smiles.
He lets go of my hand and begins exploring. He was very good at his age. He almost spoke clearly and was good at a lot of other stuff.
"Where the potty.." Randy says
"Walk the hallway it's on your left" Connor says
"Okay.." Randy says now walking that way
I finally take a seat
"You know what I just realized?" I say to Connor
"Hmm?" Connor says
"We need to find him a preschool or something we both work a lot" I say
"Yea I'm trying to look into all that" Connor says
Leo grabs something from the kitchen. Then walks back in with a granola bar.
Randy runs back in."
"I wanna play!" Randy squeals
Leo smiles and began playing.
They chase each other around the house.

Then Randy falls and smacked his forehead on the end table then began crying.

Are you serious. You gotta take it easy

"It wasn't me!" Leo says
"I know.. I know" I say as I pick up a crying Randy then there was blood.
A giant cut on his forehead. He got it good.

"Go get the first aid kit one of you!" I yell

Connor runs into the other room.
Grabs it and comes back.

I sit him down. I used a towel to hold pressure.
"Let me look.." Connor says basically pushing me out of the way.
He removed the towel.
"Well.. it's not as deep as I thought it was but I'm gonna clean it up and put a nice bandaid on it" Connor says
"Don't hurt me" Randy says crying
"I'm not.. guess what I'm a doctor I will never now I need you to lay down" Connor says and lays him down
"What's a doctor" Randy says

"A person who helps people feel better and stop hurting" I say
"That's a good explanation Connor.."Gabe chuckles
I give him a look then continue what I was doing
Randy has slowed down with the crying
"It hurts.." he whines
"I know I know" I say and start cleaning the wound.
"Ow it stings!" He whines
"I know I'm sorry" I say and finish cleaning it up and on a bandaid on his forehead.

"All done" I say and get up and throw away all the used supplies then wash my hands
Can't believe I became I doctor but I enjoy helping people.
"Have you set up his room?" Gabe asks
"Yep" I say
"I'm gonna show him" he says and takes Randy up the stairs with some of his belongings.


I take him to his room. Connor really made this room into the perfect place.
There was some of Leo's toys that he no longer played with I drop his bags and begin unpacking for him.
Randy sits on the bed.
I hung some of his clothes up

"Do you wanna take a bubble bath?" I ask

"Sure!" He says

"Grab some pajamas and we can do that" I say then took him for his bath.
I cleaned him up making sure of being careful of his wound and put him in some pajamas
"Do u brush your teeth?" I ask
"Yea..kind of" Randy says
"Okay..let's brush them" I say and grab him a toothbrush Connor had.
Connor got a few things for him.
I watched him brushing his teeth.
He finished really quickly.
He doesn't know the perfect technique but he is very young.
I finally laid him down for bed.
Later that night we all went to sleep.

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