Ch 12- bullies

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The second day if school started off okay, until an unfamiliar face shows up at my locker.

"Hey stupid" he said smugly

I look at him.

"Leave me alone" I say

"Why should I?" He questions

"Leave me alone" I said louder

He chuckles then walks away. I hope he doesn't bother me anymore today.
At gym class, he was in my gym class and we were playing dodgeball.

Lone behold I got hit in the face but at least I didn't black out of anything but the boy got in trouble and got sent to the office. I hope I didn't hurt my tooth as I don't wanna go to see Gabe.

The rest of the day was pretty okay, in science we are starting an project about making our own rocks. We are learning about the different types of rocks.

Math was okay, we started our first chapter of math. The first chapter is really easy it is very basic.

My jaw won't stop hurting ever since the dodgeball hit me in the face. The gym teacher asked if I was okay and I was, but the pain just started.

Soon came the end of the day, and I got on the bus to go home and my jaw was still hurting.

Connor and Gabe always hang out usually at my house. But when I arrived home only Connor was there which was a relief.

"Hey bud" Connor says when I walk in the door, I take off my shoes and set down my bag.

"Hey" I say

"How was school?" He asks

"Okay.." I say

"Did anything happen, your cheek is a bit puffy" he says

Oh my god does he seriously know already? Why is my cheek puffy all of a sudden? Oh boy..

"Uh.. it is? I don't know what happened" I lie

"Tell me the truth" Connor says as he pretty much knows when I lie.

"Fine.. I got hit in the face by a dodgeball during gym" I say

"Oh geez, let me give you an ice pack" he says goes to the freezer and gets me an ice pack and gives it to me and I rest it on my cheek.

"Does it hurt inside your mouth?" Connor questions

"A little" I say

"I will text Gabe and see what he says" Connor says and pulls out his phone and texts Gabe.

I sigh

"Who did this to you" he asks me

"A boy in my gym class who picked on me earlier and called me stupid" I say

"That wasn't very nice of him, did he get in trouble and why didn't you go to the nurse?" Connor questions

"The pain didn't start still a while later after gym and I figured it can wait till I get home" I say

"Well, the longer you wait the worse it's gonna get" he says

His phone Dings indicating Gabe has texted him.

"Well Gabe said he will check it out in the morning before school if that's alright?" Connor says

"I guess" I say

We ate dinner and watched a movie then went to bed, he also gave me some pain meds to help ease the pain

**the next morning**

Me and Connor were eating breakfast. I was still avoiding my sore side of my mouth. I don't know if it was only my cheek or I hit a tooth I don't know.

"I just hope it is a chipped tooth or something" Connor mentions

"Yea" I say

We get ready and get our shoes on and head to the car and Connor drove to Gabe's office.

Once we arrive we get out of the car, lock the car and head inside.

We check in with the receptionist and wait for my name to be called, and soon enough it did and we got called on back to the exam room.

"Hey you guys" Gabe said and smiled at us

"Hi.." I mumble clearly I don't wanna be here

"So Connor told me you were hit in the face with a dodgeball at school" he says while washing his hands and applying gloves and a mask.

"Yea.. i just hope it's not a loose tooth" I say

He places a bib on me and reclined me back and Connor sat on one of the waiting chairs in the corner of the room.

He grabs his tools "open"

I open my mouth and he immediately slips his tools in my mouth and began examining my teeth.

He immediately came across the sore tooth.

"Aha here is the sore tooth, and it's loose... I have to pull it" he says and takes the tools out of my mouth

My eyes widened in horror..

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