Ch 7- Some days are better then others

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**a week later**

Connor scheduled the appointment for the extraction and Leo still didn't know about it.

Connor knocks on Leo's door for him to wake up.
I rolled around in bed not wanting to get up.

Connor comes in. "Bud I have to tell you something"
"What is it" I say sleepily as I say up in bed and yawned

"I hate to do this to you but you have to go back to Gabriel's office and have a tooth pulled" Connor said uneasily
My mouth drops open I did not want to have a tooth pulled
I repeat I DON'T want a tooth pulled

"Why?" I say and I start to tear up

Connor pulls me in for a hug. "It's going to be okay" he says softly
"It's gonna hurt.." I sob

"It won't you will be numbed" Connor said

"When?" I say calming down as I was gonna be numb. I didn't know about you get numb with a needle. I hated needles

" it's at 10:15 this morning you have 15 minutes to get ready" Connor said sitting up and leaving my room so I could get ready.

I groan and decide to get out of bed I open my closet door, I guess I was having a bad day. I hit my head on the closet door. Thank god Connor wasn't in the room because he will go all doctor mode on me.

I got dressed in a t shirt and chino shorts and I head off to the bathroom and brush and floss my teeth then I finally head downstairs.

"You need to eat breakfast" Connor said

"I'm not hungry" I say as I sit at on the kitchen island stool

"You need to eat" he says as he hands me a banana

I roll my eyes. " I already brushed my teeth though"

"It doesn't matter just eat please" Connor complains

I sigh then finally eat the banana at least he didn't make me go back upstairs and dentist my teeth.

I got my vans on which were in the garage because Connor didn't like shoes in the house because you know he likes everything clean and disinfected and supposedly shoes carry germs.

We get into his car and we were off to Gabe's office. We did not talk much the entire ride. We arrive to the office and check in with the receptionist and take a seat in the waiting area.

I pull my knees up to my chest and start thinking how my tooth is gonna be ripped out of my mouth.

The door to the back opened and there was Gabe he immediately takes a look at us and smiles at us.

Oh god.

"Leo, Connor would you like to follow me on back to the exam room?" He says

My heart was racing I was scared I was gonna have a panic attack.

Connor got up and took my hand he then notices I was shaking a lot.
"Leo are you alright?" Connor asks with concerned eyes.
"I can't do this" I say
Gabe approaches me and Connor and kneels in front of me.
"I will promise you it won't hurt at all, then Connor is going to take you out for a nice big milkshake right Connor?" Gabe chuckles

"Sure.. but they are full of sugar.. you are a dentist and you love to avoid sugar.." Connor said
"He deserves it so come on Leo we are int his together" Gabe says and lends a hand to me.

I smile slips from the corner of my lip. We all head on to the back of the office where the exam rooms were. We arrive to one and Gabe tells me to take a seat.
I was hesitant at first but I decide to take a seat in the dental chair. Connor and Gabe take seats on the stools which were located on either side of the chair.
Gabe places a bib on me then proceeds to wash his hands and apply gloves and a mask.
Then he reclined the chair and grabs his mirror and explorer.
"Say ahhh" Gabe said
I gulp but I open my mouth for him.
He located the tooth and grabs a q-tip with jelly on it.
"This will help you get numb before the needle.." Gabe said
"Needle!" I screech and immediately sat up banging my head on the light
"Shh bud you won't feel it.." Gabe said as Connor lays me back down gently.
"Open your mouth" Gabe said whilst holding the q-tip  with the pink jelly on it.
I open my mouth and he rubs the jelly underneath the tooth that needs to be pulled

It was a tingly feeling. It felt weird I didn't like the feeljng but I had to deal with it.
"Are you numb?" Gabe said whilst preparing the needle

I gulp and nod

"Open" he says and the needle came close to my mouth and I opened and squeeze my eyes shut

He injects the needle but I didn't feel it? Was it because of the numbing jelly I hope so.

He takes it out. "See did that hurt?" Gabe said

"No" I say and soon enough half of my face went numb.
"Why does my face feel like this" I say as I did not like the numb feeling in my mouth.
"Your numb and that means you won't feel anything" Gabe says
"Oh" I say
"Are you ready" Gabe said
"I guess" I say

I open my mouth and close my eyes and I felt something grasp around my tooth I felt some pressure then a 'pop' then the tooth was placed on the tray then he used suction to clear the blood out and places gauze in my mouth.
"All done" Gabe said
"Wow that didn't hurt" I say
"I told you Lidocaine is Magic" Gabe laughs as he cleans up and takes off his gloves and mask them returned the chair to normal state.

Me and Connor finally left and he even bought me a milkshake like Gabe promised. Maybe I could trust Gabe he is my brothers best friend.

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