Ch 8- toothache?

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it has been a few weeks since Leo got that tooth pulled.
Remember how I said I would never Leo get a cavity I would make sure of it he never got one.. well I can't blame him if he does but I told Gabe i would make sure he wouldn't get one.
But the thing is I started getting this pain in four areas in the back of my mouth and it hurts a lot.. I pray they are not cavities.
Me and Gabe been friends for a long while I mean a long time probably since childhood. I know I am a doctor and all and have no fears really.. I never told Gabe.. I had a slight fear of the dentist.. I had a bad experience when I was a kid and I don't like to talk about it... basically I was getting a cavity filled and the lidocaine wore off I started a crying the doctor wouldn't stop and I was basically held down... because I was kicking.. it was on a baby tooth.. I never had a cavity in my adult teeth yet.. I am nervous to tell Gabe.. I know he will never hurt me.. I had a 6 month checkup like 2 months ago so I should be good..

I was cooking breakfast for me and Leo. I made healthy egg white with spinach and cheese. Leo came running down the stairs when he smelt the other thing I made which was bacon...

We sit at the island stools and eat out breakfast and Leo looked me in a worried way.. "Connor does your tooth hurt?"
"Aren't you becoming a little dentist aren't you" I asked in a curious way.
"No not really I just saw you wince when you ate" Leo says
"Ohh" I say and look down.
"You should call Gabe" he says

I finish my eggs. And got up. "I will but I got to get to work also your starting school in a week"

"Am I staying home alone  when your at work?" I ask
"I trust you if you promise not to go outside and keep all windows and doors locked" Connor says

"Oh okay wait am I going to public school or private or something?" I say

"Public school and this neighborhood school is really nice actually a lot of good kids" he said

It was nearing the end of summer and I already got him a nice backpack with school supplies with Mario and stuff on them stuff boys like his age. And there is a hand sanitizer key chain in his zipper.
I left for work and Leo said he will be fine on his own.
This toothache that is at the back of my mouth kept progressing throughout the day.. and I told Gabe he could stay at my place as he wants to live with me and I haven't told Leo there is going to be a dentist living here now.

I got home a few hours before dinner and when Gabe is supposed to arrive Gabe is only bringing his clothes and other things not any furniture as my house is completely furnished.

Leo came downstairs when I came down and he immediately gave me a hug.
"I got a surprise" I say
"What is it?" He said happily

"We are getting a roommate, Gabe is coming to stay with us" I say

His smile faded "but why?"

"Because he needs to get out of his parents house and wants to live not on his own" I said

"Oh" Leo said

A few hours have passed and Gabe arrived around dinner time. He had a few duffel bags full of clothes his laptop and a few other things.

I was making dinner Leo was sitting watching tv and stared at Gabe when he came in.

"Gabe guess what" Leo said

"What?"Gabe said

"Connor has a toothache" Leo said as revenge because I let a dentist move in my house
Why can a 7yr old be so stubborn sometimes.

Leo starts laughing and smiling he lost a few of his front teeth.
"Leo! Why?" I say getting mad at him for telling Gabe my secret

Gabe crosses his arms. "Really is this true Connor?"

"No" I say

Leo stopped laughing and smiling and focused on his tv show.

"Okay Gabe I will show you the guest room" I say and lead him upstairs to the guest room. Gabe set his stuff in there and went back downstairs and told him we clean every weekend to keep the house clean and sterile. I started making dinner which was some beef vegetable soup.

We ate dinner and I didn't really wince but I was Gabe was giving me looks.

"Connor you need a checkup" Gabe says

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