Ch 21- Better

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The next morning I felt somewhat better I should be able to make it to school.
I get ready and head downstairs.
Everyone looks like they are half asleep, was I the only one feeling somewhat like myself.
"Hey.." I say
"Hey are you feeling any better?" Connor says
"Yea, I'm gonna make it to school" I say
"Okay that's fine I'm gonna head to work but Gabe's not as he's still feeling sick" Connor says
"I wonder what hit us" I ask
"Maybe a stomach bug, I'm scrubbing the house tomorrow" Connor says
"That makes sense" I say rubbing my eye.
"Do you want anything like toast or anything something simple?" Connor asks
"Sure, make peanut butter toast"I say
He made me some toast
I bit down and realized I still had my chipped
Tooth. That hurt a bit I made a face.
"I forgot my tooth.." I say
"Oh crap.. I forgot to that had to hurt" Connor says
"It was more uncomfortable" I say
"Understandable, but we should ask Gabe to fix it" Connor yawns drinking some tea.
"Not today" I say as I finish my toast up.
"I'll let him know" Connor says
"Don't" I say
I finally am waiting for the bus. I hop on. Adam looks at me.
"Were you sick?" He asks
"Yea. Some sort of stomach bug, Connor and Gabe still feel like crap" I say sitting down next to him.
"Oh okay anyways we won the game I'm sorry you couldn't make it" Adam says
"It's fine." I say
We get to school. It was friday.
I can't wait for The Weekend.

The next day which was Saturday. Connor was scrubbing down the house everyone was feeling much better. I was sitting in my room. Then I heard a crash downstairs I ran downstairs and Connor looks like he slipped and fell flat on his face.
"Connor what did u do!" I exclaim as I ran down the stairs
Gabe was out for a walk. So he didn't see any of this.
Connor got up.
"Ugh.. Mann I hit my knee.. and my face hopefully nothing is wrong with any of my teeth.. let's keep this a secret okay?" Connor says while getting up and sitting down
"Sure.. just don't remind of him of my chipped tooth okay?" I say
"Yea.. could you get me an ice pack" Connor says
I go in the freezer and grabbed and ice pack, wrapped in a towel and handed it to him and he iced his knee.
The front door opens and we here Gabe singing he was a bad singer he had his AirPods in.
I swear he listens to some weird music like I mean he loves one direction and stuff like that.

Me and Connor start laughing as we hear him sing. "Everyone wants to steal my girl"
He sees us and immediately paused and looks at me.
"What on earth are you laughing at?" Gabe says
"Your a bad singer" I say
Connor was now dying of laughter he was basically crying.
"I got to excuse myself" he says and went upstairs.
Be went to the bathroom something didn't feel right in his mouth.

"Anyways.. Leo how are you feeling" Gabe's says and sits down in front of me.
"Fine." I say
Gabe scared me a little bit still.
"Anyways how's that chipped tooth. U thought I forgot right? Well i didn't" have explains
"Uhh I don't have one" I say and immediately get up and speed run up the stairs to my room.

Dang it he didn't forget

"Leo we are getting that fixed Monday after school!" Gabe yells


Connor came in my room and closed the door.
"I think I chipped my tooth.." Connor whispers
"He knows about mine he didn't forget" I whispered
"Well of course he wouldn't forget you know him" Connor says
"Yea I bet he never had a cavity in his life" I sigh
"Yea" Connor says

Gabe never had a cavity well of course he is a perfect dentist

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