Ch 9- concerns

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Gabe looked at me. "Bud I saw that small wince is something bothering you?"

"I just bit my tongue alright?" I say as I actually bit my tongue

"Fine but I'm not letting this go" Gabe says and eats his soup.

After dinner I told Leo to go shower.

"don't forget to brush and floss Leo!" Gabe said

"I know your not my dad geez.." Leo said as he walks up the stairs

I start chuckling. "He already knows"

"I know something is bothering you Connor" Gabe said in a concerned voice.

"Maybe there is" I say

"Well what is it?" Gabe said

"Four spots two on top two on bottom way back of my mouth been hurting" I finally admit and look down

"Sounds like your wisdom teeth" Gabe said

I sigh knowing what those were.
"I'm screwed aren't I?"

"You need a checkup to see if they are impacted how about tommorow, we all can go out for lunch after?" Gabe says

"I guess that's alright but I don't want them pulled unless they have too" I say

"If they hurt they might be impacted and don't worry they will not be pulled tomorrow, it is gonna be a whole surgery honestly I've done it plenty of times" Gabe said

"I'm going to be asleep why just not numb me?" I ask

"That's the hard part if they are impacted they are stuck in your gum and you can't simply pull them out you have to cut them in half and a lot of other stuff" Gabe said

Leo came back downstairs.
"Can we watch a movie?"

"Why not let's do it" Gabe said in a child like way, he as a child inside but can be very serious when he goes in dental mode.

We sat on the couch Leo day in the middle and Leo snuggled in a blanket and we put on cars. One of Leo's favorites and Gabe seemed to enjoy it too.

Leo fell asleep and laid on Gabe which I adored after the movie I carried him to bed and tucked him in.

Gabe went upstairs and took a shower and he eventually went to bed. Then I eventually took a shower and went to bed. I read a little bit before I could fall asleep

**the next day**

I was the first one awake then Leo woke up. Gabe was the last one awake.

We had breakfast of fresh cut fruit and oatmeal.
Gabe then told Me to get ready to go for the appointment which I did get ready.
Gabe didn't know of my fear of dentists.

We then went to gabes office and then Gabe told me to sit in the chair which I did, I didn't wanna show him I was afraid. Leo sat in the corner of the room.
Gabe washes his hands and applies gloves and mask and grabs a clean tray of tools and puts a bib on me and leans me back and adjusts the light over my face and asks me to open.

I opened and he immediately says " wow your teeth are great no plaque in sight"
He then checked each tooth to make sure there was no pain. Luckily there was no pain.
He then looked towards my wisdom teeth and tapped those areas and that's where the pain hit I winced and squeezed my eyes shut and Gabe immediately stopped and told me
"Bud it looks like your wisdom teeth are impacted you need surgery" Gabe said

"When" I say

"We could come in tommorow since Leo starts school and I know you want to be there for him, and surgery needs recovery time" Gabe said

"I guess that is fine" I say and I was not happy

He cleaned up put the chair back to its normal state took his gloves and mask off and took my bib off and turned off the light then we all went out to lunch.

We went to ihop and Leo got some chocolate chip pancakes which I allowed but Gabe rolled his eyes and told Leo he is gonna brush his teeth really good tonight I bet that did not make Leo happy but next week Leo starts school and tommorow I have my wisdom teeth removal surgery...

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