Ch 29-Asthma

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I couldn't break and began hyperventilating.
Connor rushes in.
"Crap crap hold on" he says and kneels down next to me.
"Look at me" Connor says
I look at him.
"Breathe in slowly like me" Connor says
Gabe comforts Randy.
I slowly breath in and slowly forgot it under control.
"What happened.." I cry
"Shh it's had an asthma feels like you can't breathe and everything very scary, just breathe in and out slowly it will help but I have to get you an inhaler" Connor says then picks me up.
I cough a few more times

Gabe stayed silent he thinks he is the one who started it. We go home after Connor gets me an inhaler.
I was laid down in bed and took a nap.


Randy was watching his tv show.
Gabe walks in when I was prepping dinner
"Did I make him have a asthma attack" Gabe says
"I'm not sure, it was so sudden it was his first one too" I say
"I feel bad.." Gabe says and sits down after grabbing a glass of ice water
Leo comes downstairs
"You alright?" Gabe asks
"Yea.. I'm sorry..I scared you.. I scared myself" Leo says
I came up to Leo and hugged him.

That scared me so bad. I feel bad I won't mention the cavity any more till he gets better, I do not wanna have that happen again.
We all had dinner then the night came to the end.

A few days later spring break was over...


Spring break was sadly over. I'm back to school tomorrow.

The next day..

I get on the bus. Then sit next to Adam
"Hey!" I say
"Hey!" Adam says
"How was spring break?" I asked Adam
"It was nice I visited some out of town family" Adam says
"That's nice" I say
"How was yours?"he asks
"It was nice, Little Randy had his first checkup, and I got asthma now, then I had my birthday" I sigh
"Dang" he says
"I had to be role model for Randy and Gabe literally gave me a checkup. Then I guess I had a cavity which I did not know I had" I say
"Dang that is gonna be so fun" he laughs
"Shut up.." I whine

The school day went by fast.

I came home after soccer practice before the rain started. Connor soon came home with little Randy he picked him up from preschool.
"Hey how was school?" Connor asks
"It was okay, got home just in time before that rain" I chuckle
"Yea" Connor laughs
Randy came up and hugged me.
"Hey Randy" I say
"Hi" he says and looks up at me and smiles.

"So Gabe's been wondering.. when your gonna get your tooth fixed" Connor says

"Uh.. no" I say then go up to my room

"Leo!" Connor calls

I sigh and start my homework.

About an hour later there was a knock on my door.
"Come in" I say
Gabe walks in
"Hey" gabe says and sits on my bed I turn around on my chair I had one of those spiny chairs
"What?" I say with a pouty face.
"Uh.. why are you scared" Gabe says
"Because I am" I say
"It's not gonna hurt remember last time? When you had a tooth out" Gabe explains
"And I hated it" I say
"You need to get it taken care of it before it gets worse" he explains
"Ain't that tooth gonna fall out anyway it's my baby tooth" I say
"It's not, it's one of your adult teeth, I know how teeth are" he says
"I'll think about it" I say and turn back around

Gabe sighs gets up and leaves my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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