Ch 11- Leo's first day

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I wake up to Connor shaking my shoulder. He got those wisdom teeth removed a week ago so he is back to work.
"What?" I mumble into my pillow
"It's time to get up for school" Connor said

"What time is it?" I say

"7:30 school starts at 9" Connor says

I roll out of bed and rub my eyes. I had to take a shower before school. Connor laid out an outfit for me on my dresser the night before.
He picked out a short sleeve flannel shirt and some polo shorts.
I go take my shower and get changed and brushes my teeth and head downstairs.
Gabe made breakfast.

Gabe made something way to healthy it had spinach in it. I did not like spinach.
He made me a plate. But I didn't eat it. I just grabbed an apple.
"I don't like spinach" I say and eat my apple
"It's good for you though" Gabe says and pushed the plate towards me.

"No" I say then get up and walk away.

Connor came downstairs
"He is not eating the healthy breakfast I made him!" Gabe said and pointing at me. I was still eating my apple.
"Leo! Eat breakfast!" Connor says
"I am eating an apple! I hate spinach!" I yell

"As long as he is eating I really don't care" Connor shrugs

Gabe sighs and Connor Gave me my book bag and lunch bag that had a healthy lunch in it. "The bus is coming soon it stops here" Connor says.
I got my shoes on and headed outside to wait for the bus. The birds were chirping and the sun has just rised.
Scion enough the bus came and I climbed on. Connor and Gabe waved me off.

There was other kids on the bus. One kid actually sat next to me and smiles at me. "Hi I am Adam"
I looked at him and smiled "I am Leo but my full name is Leonardo, call me Leo"
"That is a nice name what grade are you going in" Adam asked
"The 2nd grade, I'm 7 almost 8" I say
"Me too" Adam laughs and gives me a hot five

Soon we arrived to a big building which I assumed was school. We got off the bus.
I didn't know where to go and a teacher walked up to me. "Hello are you lost?"
"Yea I don't know where my class is it's my first day" I say
"What grade are you in sweetheart" she asks
"The 2nd" I say
"That will be with mr. Wilford let me show you his room" she says and hands me her hand and he walked me down the hall and into a classroom and approached the teacher.
"Hello mr. Wilford, I believe he is in your class"  she said
"Hi, so what's your name?" Mr. Wilford said and kneels down, smiles at me.
"I'm Leonardo wolfe but I like to be called Leo" I say
Mr. Wilford looked at his register "oh yea little Leo you are in my class just take a seat anywhere we will go over lockers and stuff soon" he said to me
"By the way that is mrs. Willow" he said pointing to the teacher that helped me to this classroom
I smile at mrs willow "what grade do you teach?"
"3rd grade so I will see you next year" she smiles
"Cool" I say then she walks out of the room waving goodbye then Adam came in the room and smiles at me.
"Hello and you are?" Mr Wilford said to Adam
"Adam.. Taylor" Adam says nervously
Mr Wilford checked the register "oh here you are Adam.. take a seat anywhere we will go over locker assignments soon" mr Wilford said

Me and Adam decided to take seats next to each other there was around 10 other kids in the rooms. 6 other boys and 4 girls.
Mr . Wilford took rolecall

He then assigned lockers and did a few worksheets on get to know me and all that and a tour of the school for new students.

We only have gym a few days a week along with music and art. I think I am gonna love going here. Till 5th grade then on to middle school 6th-8th then finally high school which is a long while.

Lunch was good I had a turkey and cheese sandwich some yogurt, and cut up fruit and a small bottle of water. I had a few dollars and decided to get a can of soda and drank it. I won't be telling Gabe that. I would be getting a cleaning.

After lunch we had an assembly of introducing the principal and some things planned for the school year like field day in the spring. It was a good first day.
I got dropped off at home by the bus at the end of the day I went inside and Gabe was sitting on the couch
"Where's Connor" I say
"At work" he says and drinks some water

"Oh" I say and set my bag down.
"So how was your first day" Gabe asked

"It was good" I say and take my shoes off in the designated area in the mud room.

"Got any homework?" He asked

"No" I say

Soon enough Connor came home and asked me about my day and we had dinner. Then watched a movie then it was time for me to go to bed

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