Ch 13. Another Tooth Lost

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"No.." I whine
"You've had one done before it wouldn't be any different it will be quick so we can get you off to school alright?" Gabe said
I whine and try to get off the chair
"It will be quick then Connor can run you to school." He says as Connor tries to gently lay me back down
I really didn't like the fact of getting another tooth pulled. I hated it last time.
"I'll be right back.." Gabe said he exits the room
Connor holds my hand.
"If will be fine I'm sure if we beg Gabe he can get
Us some milkshakes and candies after school okay?" Connor giggled
I smile.
Gabe walks back in with a few things then sits them on the tray.
Me and Connor smiled to ourselves and giggled
"Can we get milkshakes after school?"
Gabe washes his hands and put new gloves on
And fixes his mask
"What's that?" He questions as he barely heard what I said
"I will ask later then as you don't have good listening ears" I say
Connor burst out in laughter
Gabe's eyes widened.
"Okay then we will discuss this later.. lay back down for me please" he says
I sigh trying not to giggle he repositions the light.
He grabs the q-tip with Jelly
"Open" he says
I did and sticks it in my mouth.
A few minutes later he takes it out
"Close your eyes and open big" he says as he injects a needle in my mouth it pinched a bit
He takes it out.
"Okay Soo..what were talking about?" Gabe says
"Nothing" Connor says holding in a laugh.
"You numb Leo?" He asks
"I guess.." I say
"Open wide bud it will be over soon" he says
I closed my eyes then I felt something cold and clamp my tooth and a slight tug then it stopped it did not hurt.
He uses suction and water and told me to bite some gauze.
Then the chair returned to normal state.
"Okie it should stop bleeding soon Connor will take you to school then Connor needs to go to work" Gabe's says as he removes his gloves, mask and moves the light out of the way.
Me and Connor left. I went to school then Connor went to work.

The school day went by quickly. We played bowling in or and had little mats and pins we got to play with it was quite fun.
Then our gym teacher had us all sit down.
"Okay Soo I'm we are having tryouts for soccer is anyone interested?" He says. Me and Adam looked at each other, we have become better friends.
Me and Adam raised our hands
Our teacher looks at us.
"Adam and Leo you are interested?" The teacher said
We nod.
"Anyone else?" He says
A few other boys raised there hands. After class we got some papers to get parent approval and such.
That was the last class so we cleaned up and got on the bus home
"Do you wanna come over?" I ask
"Sure I just have to ask we are down the street from each other" Adam says.
"Okay!" I say
We get off the bus then proceeded to Adams place we went inside. He only lives across the street and a few doors down from me.

We were greeted by his mom. "Hello boys Adam who is this?" The mom says
"This is Leo my friend he lives a few doors down" Adam says
"Well hello Leo, I am Sally, Adams mom. His dad is at work" She says.
"Nice to meet you Sally" I say and smile
"I was wondering if I can go to his place and play the Wii with him he only lives a few doors down" Adam asks
"That's alright" she says and smiles at the both of us.
We leave saying goodbye and head to my house we get inside. After taking our shoes off in the mud room. "Yea my brother wants everything to be clean". We walk in the house. Gabe was sitting on the couch he was doing something on his laptop then looks over at us.
"Leo. Who's this?" He asks
"My friend Adam" I smile
"Oh hi I'm Gabe his brothers best friend
Connor come here!" He says
Connor walks in eating fruit snacks.
"What's up?" He says
"This is Adam my friend" I say
"Hi Adam how are you" he says
"I'm okay" Adam says
"We just wanna play Wii and maybe get milkshakes??" I say looking over at hand. Connor smirked. Remembering that conversation from earlier. Gabe perks his head up and looks at Connor.
"Why you looking at me" Gabe asks as he now turns his head and looks at me.
Connor began laughing.
"What is so funny" Gabe questions
"We want milkshakes can we get some" I smile
"Fine.." he says getting up. We go to mud room and get our shoes on and hop in Gabe's car and head to the milkshake place.

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