Chapter 4-scrapped knee

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The color drained from my face. Why do I have to I hate the dentist more than the doctors and I literally just had 6 injections!

"Connor.." I whine

"Your going" is all he said before I get up and leave the room. I was able to leave the building via the stairwell this doctors office was like 3 floors.

I don't hear him coming behind me I wonder if he took the elevator and is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. I wasn't paying attention and was day dreaming and I trip and fall and landed on the side of my face but luckily it didn't really hurt.

I get up and go to door. Thank god.. Connor wasn't there. I was able to go through the first floor waiting room and shoot out the front door. I sigh in relief.
I start walking away till I come across a park that was between his office and the dental office.
This park was huge. There were trees upon trees and a stream and a forest and a playground.

I decide to walk up to the playground and take a seat on the swing.
I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was someone texting me and I look at the screen and yep it was Connor and it read
"Hey, where have you gone? Gabriel is expecting us pretty soon"
"Well about that I'm not going" I text back with an angry face emoji at the end of the sentence

He texts back. "Just please tell me where you are I'm worried sick"
"I'm in a park a big one" I text
"Okay see you soon" he texts almost immediately

Shoot. Hell he will be able to find me pretty soon.
I start walking into the forest where the stream ran through.
I find a good spot on the ground and sat there and started skipping rocks, which my dad taught me before he left.


I get to the park that was right by my office and between Gabriel's. It was a big park but not as big as central park in New York. I do plan on moving to New York if I ever get a job offer.
I start looking around and see no sign of him.but I remember he likes to be by water because dad taught me and him how to skip rocks. I start heading to where the stream was
Yea I had a doctors coat and looked silly but I forgot to take it off.


I start to bear approaching footprints. I immediately get up and start walking away. I was able to cross the stream with rocks like stepping stones. I have no clue where it lead. Then I came across something.

A big forest. I start walking around and soon enough I look around and I was lost.
I can hear the stream but I didn't see the stream anymore. I was getting a bit chilly and my shoes got a bit muddy.
I start to whimper as the sun was behind clouds.
"Hello!" I yell
Someone's voice echos in the distance. I start walking int eh direction of the voice and got to the place I started.

I tried to cross the stream using the rocks but I slipped and scraped my knee. I let out a loud cry of pain.

Footsteps come closer and closer and I was a sitting on a big rock in the middle of the stream. Then soon I see Connors face come into view.
His face was a mixture of guilt, anger, and sorrow
He manages to get across and pick me up and carries me.
"My knee!" I cry loudly.
We manage to get to the main park and he sat me in a patch and
Rolls up my pant leg. And there lays a nasty gash.

"It hurts" I sob loudly
"I know bud" he says as he picks me up and rushes me to the office which was in walking distance.
He led me to the exam and sits me down. Then he grabs me a cloth and I was told to hold down on the gash.
He rushes out of the room and returns with some medical supplies.
"I'm sorry I pushed you and scared you" he says and takes the cloth off and starts cleaning my wound.
Whatever he used stung like a bitch..
"Oww" I yelp as it stung so much
But soon it felt better.

"Bud I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you need stitches" he said

My eyes widen oh no.

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