Chapter 5-Stitches & Dentists

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(A/N doctor watts in above picture)

My eyes widen. "But Connor"

"I'm sorry bud" Connor says softly

He starts by cleaning the wound then putting some numbing gel around it and let my knee numb up.
"Is it going to hurt?" I ask

"The gel will take away a lot of the pain" he says as he grabs the special needle and thread the needle was really tiny.
"That's a tiny needle" I joke

"Yea all your gonna feel is some pulling and tugging thats about it" he says as he picks up the needle.
I take a few deep breathes and let him start. He was right and it barely hurt besides the only few pulls and tugs. Then after he finishes he bandages my knee and I was all done.

I sigh. "Are we done for the day"

"Gabriel is still expecting us" he says

My jaw dropped. "No no no I don't wanna go" I whined

"It will be easy" Connor says

"No" I whine and start tearing up

"Leo.. he is not going to hurt you" Connor said

"I don't wanna go to the dentist! I never went in my life.." he says but didn't realize what he said

"Wait? You never saw a dentist in your life?" Connor questions

"Maybe.." I mumble

"Did you ever see one or not" Connor questions

"No.. mom never took me" I say

"Oh great that's not good, Anyways we should get going" Connor said lending a hand.

We walk to the car and we drove to the office.
It was a small building. Not as big as Connor's office.

I didn't wanna get out of the car. But I was made to get out of the car and take Connors hand as we walked into the office.
We walked in and the doors automatically opened. A strong sterile smell hit my nose that I didn't smell in Connors office it was somewhat nauseating.
"The smell is gross" I complain
"Sorry bud that's all the cleaning stuff they use to sanitize and disinfect everything" Connor says very professionally.
I roll my eyes then Connor checks me at the receptionist desk to a fine looking young lady.
"Appointment for Leonardo Wolfe " Connor says
I stay behind him very unsure of this place and the smell I just wanted to go home and get in bed and watch YouTube and do nothing.

"Dr. Watts will be with your shortly go ahead and take a seat in the waiting area" she said and she smiled at both me and Connor.

I take a seat on one of the chairs in the waiting room Connor sat next to me and held my hand.
There were a few other people in the waiting room including a family with two kids who looked pretty young.
The door to the back opened revealing a tall man he had brown hair and glasses and he was wearing a doctor coat and holding a clipboard

"Leonardo Wolfe" he says very professionally then turns his gaze to Connor and came up to us I push myself  into the chair very nervous.

"Hello Connor and Little Leonardo" he says and smiles at me and put out his hand out to shake my hand.

I shakily put my hand out and shake his hands my whole body was shaking. "I.. I preference Leo"
"Oh ok Leo would you and Connor like to follow me to the back.. to my exam room?" He says

Connor was still holding my other hand and he helped me stand up my legs were still very shaky. But Connor made me follow Dr.Watts to the back.

Ooh I already hate this feeling

(A/N) I am so sorry I don't update often, I have other books to read a majority of them being dental. Btw I have to go to the dentist in a few weeks to get a few cavities filled yayyy...)

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