Ch 18- Today sucks

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It was an average morning. I get up get ready and go to school. Mom said she will pick me up and said I have an appointment.
I'm nervous it was at Gabe's office
I look at Leo
"Um can I tell you something" I say
"Sure" Leo smiles
"Gabe really scared me at my first appointment he shouted at me" I say
"Really?" Leo says
"He was upset I wouldn't get in the dentist chair.. after he yelled I began to cry and gave up and sat in the chair looking guilty.. my mom wants me to be by myself be a big kid. I was scared" I say
"Oh he never yells" Leo said getting a bit worried. He would protect Adam he was basically his best friend.

"And I have to go back today I'm nervous" I say
"Why?" Leo says
"I don't know my mom would not tell me" I say
Leo sighs.
School was finally over.
I hope Gabe was in a better mood.
He scared me sometimes.
He was totally fine on Saturday.

Mom pick me up.

"Hi honey how was school?" She asks
"It was okay. Why do I have to go back. To that place" I ask
"Well.. you may have a tooth that needs fixed" she says
"My teeth are fine" I say
"Not according to Gabe" she says
We arrive to the office
I didn't plan on pitching a fight i just felt guilt.
We checked in and waited till have opened the door and approached me and my mom
My mom nudges me up.
"You alright?" Gabe says
I shrug.
We get in the room.
I started getting nervous
He shuts the door behind us.
Preventing me from running.

"Why am I here" I say
He sighs
"Just take a seat please" he says
Another person walks in it was Izzy.
"She's just gonna help me out" Gabe says
"Hey Adam how are you?" She smiles then pats on the chair.
"I don't wanna do this" I say
"It will be okay don't worry I won't hurt you just like last time" he says calmly as he washes hands
I decide to give in as he said it was something simple. Just like last time.
I sit down.
A bib was immediately placed on me. They both snap on gloves and a mask making me flinch
"Open sweetheart" Izzy says and puts a q-tip on the side of my cheek. It began tingling. I grab it and threw it across the room.
"I don't like it" I say
"Your gonna have to get mange to get through it it's not bad" izzy says grabbing another one.
Then puts it back in my mouth.
I was reclined back then the light was positioned
I saw something at the corner of my eye  it was shiny. I looked at Gabe..
He has a needle.
He made eye contact and his eyes turns to sorrow
"I'm sorry.." he says
I immediately try to get up and start tearing up.
"NO" i cry.
I was gently pushed back down.
"I should give you something to help you calm down" Izzy says as something was placed over my nose.
"Just breath in" Gabe says
I was crying a bit.
I didn't really calm down but I felt out of it as I didn't care.
I was aware what was gonna happen.
"Open really big and close your eyes" Gabe's says
I did so.
I felt the tiniest pinch.
"Ow" I whine
He takes it out.
"Okay.. we should wait a couple minute." Have says
"Soo Adam. What was your favorite thing at the amusement park we went to" he says trying to get me to stay calm.
"The roller coasters" I say
"Me too me too" he says as I heard a background  noise it sounded like he was fiddling with a few things.
"Open really wide it will be over very soon" he says
I did open really wide I felt something put pressure on one of my teeth then it stopped I think I lost another tooth Izzy immediately used water and suction to clean it up and gauze was put in there and was told to bite down.
The knob was removed from my nose and the light and chair was returned to the normal position.
"Why'd u pull my tooth" I say
They both pitched there gloves and mask.
Izzy left.
Gabe rolled his chair over to me.
"It was crowding one of your other tooth and eventually it would of hurt so I had to do what I had to do I'm sorry to scare you like that" Gabe said
I smile.
"Thank you"
I was slowly warming up to him.

Finally I went home.
The rest of the day was slow.

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