Ch 20- Sick days

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I woke up this morning it was not sunny sadly. They better of not of canceled my soccer game.
I get out of bed and get ready for school and head downstairs.
"Good morning sleepy head" Connor says
I was really tired.
"Morning" I say
I had a unusual stomachache this morning.
"Breakfast is ready" Gabe said
"I'm not hungry" I say and walk in the living room and sit on the couch. Totally ignoring everyone.
"You need to eat" Connor says walking in the room.
I stare at him "I'm not hungry!"
"What's wrong then?" He says
"I don't feel well okay?" I say
"Oh.." he says sitting down next to me
"What hurts,your tooth?" Connor says
"Nope. It's my stomach" I say and put my head in my hands. Knowing he may go all doctor on me.
Gabe walks in "what's wrong with him"
"He doesn't feel well it's not your business"Connor says
"Okay" he says sitting on the other couch
"I better get ready" I say and get up
"If your sick I don't want you going" Connor says strictly
"I'm fine!" I say
"Your obviously not feeling good you are pale" Connor says
"Do I?" I say not believing him
"Lay down I'm calling the school, your missing your game too" Connor says
"No!" I yell
"Jesus" Gabe mumbles
"Ugh.." I say and lay down obviously pissed
"If I feel better can I go to my game?" I ask
"Maybe just go lay down here or in your room, I can stay home today to make sure your okay that is more important anyways I should get you some medication " Connor says getting up
Then comes back with a cup of something
"Take it it will help" Connor says
It was a red liquid.
I hated liquid medicine
I gave him a look.
"This is gross" I whine and just stare at it
"Don't make me shove it down your throat" Connor says
"Get me a cup of water" I say
Connor sighs then gets me some water.
I hurry up take it and chase it with water
I still taste it almost made me gag.
"It should make you feel better go get some rest" Connor says

"Okay.. but I'm not happy I can't play soccer tonight" I say as I get up and go to my room.
Hehe I might just video game today.

I had a PlayStation in my room but might play that later but I did turn on my tv and watched some YouTube
Being almost 8 years old I'm used to it all I heard so much stuff in life already.
I get comfortable in my bed under the covers and watch YouTube
I watched some of my favorite YouTubers
Soon there was a knock on my door.
"Come in" I say
Connor comes in with a small bowl of something.
I sit up in bed
"What is it" I say
"Some chicken broth and noodles something simple so it don't upset your stomach, if you are up to it we can watch some movies or something, Gabe went to work" Connor says
"Okay.." I say
I take the soup and start eating a bit even though I wasn't hungry. I wanted to make Connor happy.
Connor leaves the room.
I ate half of the soup and set it aside.
I fell back asleep.

A few hours later I woke up feeling not that good I wonder what hit me. I was feeling a bit worse.
I get out of bed and my stomach cramps up
"Oww..." I mumble and clench my stomach
I felt to urge to puke.
I go to my bathroom and sit by the toilet.
I begin coughing. Then it came.

I was soon finished. Hopefully Connor didn't hear that. I felt better somewhat.
I don't want Connor to find out.

I decided to take a warm shower after I cleaned up. I felt so much better I wore some comfy clothes they decide to head downstairs.
Connor was at his desk doing some computer work.
"Hey.." I say
"Oh hey.. how are you feeling? Does your stomach still hurt?" He asks as he looks at me with concerned eyes
"I'm feeling kind of better" I lie
"Are you sure about that anyways did u throw up or anything like that" he says
"I did once" I say now sitting on the couch
"Do u feel better after you got sick " he said
Why does he have to ask all these questions

" a little bit. Can I play soccer tonight" I say
"Nope. Your sick" he says while focusing his gaze back on his computer
"Aww man" I whine

A little bit later. Gabe came home. He looked Ill
"Uhh I feel like shit.." he says walking in
Connor looks at him.
"You alright? What's wrong?" Connor asks him
"My stomach" he says
"I wonder if you have what Leo has" Connor says
"Oh.. Leo's stomach was bothering him too?" Gabe questions
"Yep.. you should get some rest and I made some soup earlier just broth and noodles if you want some" Connor suggested

Later on we all felt like crap. Even Connor wasn't feeling that well.
"I think it's just the stomach bug" Connor say as he is holding a cup of tea.
"Yea I think" Gabe says
We were now all lounging on the couch. We were about to watch some Disney movies.
"Alright hopefully we will all feel better tomorrow, luckily tomorrow is Friday"
Connie says
After a movie I begin falling asleep I got the energy to get up and get ready for bed and finally get some more sleep.

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