Ch 16- Adams first checkup

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At 7 am. My mom began shaking me awake.
"No.." I whine
"Don't make me get dad he will tickle you" she says
Ooh I hate when he does that he makes me laugh so hard.
"Fine" I sit up and rub my eyes.
"Your appointment is at 8" she says

I completely forgot.
I gulp.

"I have a headache.." I whine

"Your going" she says
And leaves my room

I sigh and get out of the bed and grab some clothes. Then get changed and do my hair brush my teeth used mouthwash.
I ate a banana when I get downstairs.
Dad works nights so he was probably sleeping.
I sit on the kitchen counter.
Mom walks in
"Are you almost ready?" She asks
"Nope" I say as I was about to get pissy
"Don't get mad" she says as she realized I was getting pissed.
"Whatever" I say as I leap down from the counter almost falling
I got my shoes and bag and we headed off me and my mom didn't say a word to each other.
We arrive and I refused to get out
I locked the car and stick my tongue out
"You ain't smart I got the keys." She clicks the button and opens my door and takes my hand
And makes me get out.
We head inside I was resisting and trying to pull away.
She checks me in.
We sit down and it was quiet.
The door to the back opened
"Adam?" Someone says
I looked up at someone familiar
It was GABE
My eyes widened. "No.. no no" I whine
"Come on don't be a baby go with him" she nudges me up. She wanted me to be independent so she doesn't go with me.
Gabe approached me and holds out his hand then takes it. Then started taking me to the back.
My heart was pounding
I start tugging
I was a fighter.
I pulled back then fell on my butt. Almost making Gabe fall. I snickered a bit. He gives me a look. He wasn't happy about yesterday.
He wouldn't shut up.
"Well then aren't you being difficult" he says getting up.
He's mad.
He holds out his hand again smiling but had anger in his eyes.

Nobody knew Gabe was bipolar.

I was shaking

I get up then takes my hand again and used more force.
He sighs "take a seat.."
I stand still.
"Sit down!" He snaps
Tears welled in my eyes I can't wait to tell Leo how crazy he is. I sit down.
"Don't hurt me" I say
"I would never hurt anyone" he says as his eyes softened and puts a bib on me.
"You scared me.." I whisper
"I'm sorry I get moody sometimes" he sighs
" I'm gonna tell Leo" I say
"Okay" he says and puts a big lead jacket on me
"What's this" I ask
"We'll I'm taking x-rays to get a closer look ands it's just to protect you" he explains
He puts on gloves and rolls his chair over to me with something
"Open" he says I did what he told me to do
"Bite down" he says
I did so he gets up then takes the picture then he does a few more.
"Okay good" he says.
Then removes the jacket from me
"Am I done" I ask
"Sorry but no I wanna look inside" he says
"No" I say
"Okay then" he says takes off his gloves then grabs a mask. Then reclines me back and puts in fresh gloves then positions the light.
"I said no" I say
He looks at me then ignores me.
"You did okay for the x-days it's just as easy as that" he says grabbing a few tools.
"Please" I say
"Okay. This is just a mirror and this is an explorer I just tap your teeth with it" he explains.
I begin getting up but he gently pushes me back.
"It will be quick" he says
I roll my eyes
"Fine" I say and open my mouth and close my eyes.
He was very gentle.
Finally he said he was done.
I begin getting up.
"Hold on" he says
Another person walks in
"Hi sweetheart I'm Izzy the hygienist I'm gonna clean your teeth if that's alright."
I nod
Gabe pitches his gloves and mask. Then left the room.
Izzy quickly cleans his teeth
He was finally finished the chair was returned the chair to normal state and removes his bib and such then did a fluoride rinse
Izzy and I walked out to the waiting room. I saw Gabe and my mom talking.
" I'll make sure to schedule that" my mom said
"Schedule what?" I say approaching her.
"Nothing.." she says
Gabe walks away to the back. My mom goes up to the receptionist.
"I need to schedule that appointment for him" She says
"I have Monday after school." The receptionist said
"I'll take that" mom said.
Today was Friday
We left and mom drops me off.
I'm worried what the appointment was for.

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