(VII) 'What are they up to?'

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After dinner, they began to do the plates together.

Jimin said, 'Go shopping tomorrow. You're out of everything.'
Yoongi said, 'Do you want something?'
Jimin said, 'Uh, no...?'
Yoongi said, 'It's nice to have you around. Do come over whenever you can.'

Jimin said, 'It's nice to be around you, hyung. I'll come over every day if I can.'
Yoongi said, 'Every day? Aren't you a PG student? How will you manage everything?'
Jimin said, 'I don't know... I won't be able to come over tomorrow. I'll come over next week for sure. I have a project to do.'

Yoongi said, 'Focus on your studies. I want you to be successful in life.'
Jimin said, 'I know and I certainly will. Thank you, hyung.'

Yoongi smiled in response.

Jimin said, 'You look great when you smile.'
Yoongi said, 'And you're looking handsome today.'

Jimin asked, 'Just today?' with a pout.

Yoongi answered, 'Every day.'

Jimin smiled shyly in response.

After doing the plates, Yoongi said, 'Jimin-ah, it's around half past eight already. Shouldn't you be home right now?'

Jimin said, 'Oh, come on, hyung. It's not like someone is waiting for me there. It's nice to be here. I feel bored at home anyway.'
Yoongi said, 'Don't you have things to do at home?'

Jimin said, 'Not really... I did laundry yesterday. Basically, there is nothing for me to do at home for now. When I go back, all I gotta do is take a shower and sleep.'
Yoongi said, 'Don't you have anything to study?'

Jimin said, 'I didn't have any afternoon class today. Taetae and I revised a few chapters at the library in the afternoon. He hesitated a lot. I had to literally drag him to the library.'

He walked out of the kitchen and sat on the couch in the living room. He showed a gesture asking Yoongi to sit next to him.

Yoongi sat next to Jimin and said, 'About your friends... How are they both? What are they up to?'

Jimin said, 'Taetae made it very clear that he likes Kookie. It's in Kookie's hands now.'
Yoongi said, 'What is he saying?'
Jimin said, 'He's still saying that he's confused.'

Yoongi said, 'He's hesitating to confess it. That's it.'
Jimin said, 'Oh... What can I do to make him admit it?'
Yoongi said, 'Talk to him.'

Jimin said, 'What can I tell him? I tried everything I could.'
Yoongi said, 'Just ask him a few questions.'
Jimin said, 'Like what?'

Yoongi said, 'Note it down.'
Jimin said, 'Alright...'

He opened the Notepad app and noted down the questions Yoongi said.

Yoongi said, 'Call him and ask him about those.'
Jimin said, 'Now?'
Yoongi said, 'I gotta know what his answers are. I can't help you otherwise.'
Jimin said, 'Alright, Yoongi-nim!'

He called Jungkook and the latter answered the call. He put the call on the loudspeaker.

Over the phone.

Jimin: Hello, Jungkook-ah?

Jungkook: H-hello, hyung...

Jimin: I called you to ask you five questions.

Jungkook: What? Why?

Jimin: To help you out. It's about Taetae.

Jungkook: Ah, that... What is it?

Jimin: These questions are from a friend. He's a very close friend of mine. He doesn't mind you both kissing or whatever. He agreed to help. These are from him. These might sound rude, explicit, offensive or maybe absurd. Just a warning, you know.

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