(IV) 'You're such a naughty baby boy.'

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On Monday.

Yoongi was on his way back home in the evening. He got a call from Jimin.

He answered the call as he walked home.

Over the phone.

Yoongi: Hello?

Jimin: Where are you, Kitten?

Yoongi: I'm walking home...

Jimin: Can I come over tonight?

Yoongi: Yeah, sure but...

Jimin: Yeah? But what?

Yoongi: Don't you have classes tomorrow?

Jimin: I do...

Yoongi: I believe you have a lot of things to do tonight.

Jimin: Yes, but with you, Kitten.

Yoongi: What?

Jimin: You're so innocent, aren't you?

Yoongi: I wouldn't say that...

Jimin: Ah, let me come over!

Yoongi: Okay... I guess?

Jimin: I'll come over even if you ask me not to.

Yoongi: You're such a naughty baby boy.

Jimin: Yes, Daddy. I'm very naughty.

Yoongi: Shut up!

Jimin: My Daddy is so shy, isn't he? I'm not coming over then.

Yoongi: Come over.

Jimin: Should I?

Yoongi: Yes.

Jimin: I have to think about it.

Yoongi: Come over, will you?

Jimin: No.

Yoongi: You said that you wanted to come over a minute ago!

Jimin: Act cute. I'll come over.

Yoongi: What?

Jimin: You heard it right.

Yoongi: Ah... What do I do?

Jimin: I don't know.

Yoongi: Come over... Please...?

Jimin: Mmm-hmm...?

Yoongi: Baby...

Jimin: And?

Yoongi: Daddy wants you tonight...

Jimin: I'll come over but not for you.

Yoongi: Oh... So? For whom?

Jimin: For my Daddy.

Yoongi: Who am I then?

Jimin:  You're my cute kitten.

Yoongi: Who's your Daddy then?

Jimin: That's my cute kitten's sexy name.

Yoongi: Doesn't that mean it's me?

Jimin: I don't know. Use your brain.

Yoongi: You're teasing me. I get it.

Jimin: Where are you right now?

Yoongi: I told you that I'm walking home.

Jimin: Where exactly are you right now?

Yoongi: Near the crossroad.

Jimin: Ah, come faster!

Yoongi: Okay...

Jimin: I'm hanging up. Come home soon.

Yoongi: Okay.

Jimin: Bye, Kitten!

Yoongi: Bye...

Jimin hung up and Yoongi couldn't stop himself from blushing. He walked home hurriedly.

When he reached home, Jimin was standing in front of the door.

He said, 'I thought you'd be coming over later at night...'
Jimin said, 'I can't wait until night.'

Yoongi asked, 'You drove here?' as he glanced at Jimin's car.

Jimin answered, 'Yes, Kitten.'

Yoongi said, 'Alright.' and opened the door. He kept the key on the table next to the door and took off his shoes.

Jimin said, 'How come you're here so soon?' and stepped in.

Yoongi said, 'Someone wanted me to be home as soon as possible.' and closed the door.

Jimin said, 'Who was that?'

Yoongi said, 'The one I'm talking to right now.' and stepped in further.

He kept his office bag in its place, plugged in his phone to charge and glanced at Jimin.

He said, 'You seem so fresh.'
Jimin said, 'I'm totally fresh, Daddy. You'll be the first one to touch me.'

Yoongi gulped nervously in response.

Jimin stepped closer to Yoongi and grabbed his tie. He pulled Yoongi closer and raised his eyebrows.

Yoongi said, 'How about I take a shower first?'
Jimin said, 'Oh, sure, handsome. I took one already. I thought you'd wanna see me "fresh".'

Yoongi gulped anxiously again and Jimin let go of his tie.

Yoongi rushed to the bedroom and closed the door. He breathed heavily and glanced all over the room.

He took a shower and wore off-white trousers and a black full-sleeve T-shirt. He stepped out of the bedroom and saw Jimin serving dinner.

He said, 'Did you order them?'
Jimin said, 'Yes, Kitten.'
Yoongi said, 'Ah, I wanted to cook something.'
Jimin said, 'Cook what?'

Yoongi said, 'Japchae.' as he stepped closer to the dining table.

Jimin said, 'I wanted to spoil you tonight. Let's have your Japchae tomorrow.'
Yoongi said, 'How come you've become so close now?'
Jimin said, 'What does that mean?'

Yoongi said, 'You have never talked this way.'
Jimin said, 'I wasn't your boyfriend back then.'
Yoongi said, 'Does that mean you can make me blush whenever you want?'

Jimin said, 'Yes, Kitten. Let's have dinner now.' and sat at the table.

Yoongi hummed in response and sat in front of Jimin.

Jimin said, 'Let's dig in!' and took a huge bite out of the bulgogi bowl.

Yoongi started to eat as well. Jimin made sure to make Yoongi blush by flashing flirty smiles and raising eyebrows in between.

After dinner, they did the rest of their chores.

Yoongi said, 'Are you gonna stay?'
Jimin said, 'I wish I could.'
Yoongi said, 'Oh... You must have a lot of things to do.'

Jimin said, 'Yes...' with a pout.

Yoongi said, 'Go back home then.'
Jimin said, 'Already? No.'
Yoongi said, 'Oh... Why?'

Jimin stepped closer to Yoongi and pushed him onto the couch. He kneeled on Yoongi and held his nape with both of his hands.

Yoongi said, 'I have something to ask you, baby.'

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