Chapter 1

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Thursday,  April 13th

I stepped downstairs after getting ready for school, once again with a small sigh preparing myself for the day. My sister already left with my mom so I was gonna walk myself to the bus, When I opened the door I saw a messy brown haired boy walking up to my doorstep.

"Yo Craig!" He did a small handshake with me and put his arm around my shoulder "Hey Clyde" I had a monotone voice and while it did sound more mean, He knew what I meant. "I talked to Tolkien and he said he had already arrived, I don't get why he has to be at school 20 minutes early" It was weird but he did love to be on time.

"Lets just go" I walked with him to the bus, I felt a little odd, for a few years since 7th grade I've always felt a little different. As if something was watching over me, I'm in Senior year now so I try to think of that thought as a childish memory.

I heard loud laughs and shouting coming from a small group of people, of course it had to be Cartman and Kyle. We're already seniors, can't they let it go and act a little more mature for once? I sat down on a window seat and expected Clyde to sit next to me but he sat with some random girl.

I looked out the window until we got to school in boredom. Someone sat next to me but I didn't bother looking at them, It was weird because they were awkwardly close to me.. and I could feel them shaking, were they cold? It was probably another girl obsessing over me.

When I walked into school I immediately saw all eyes on me, sometimes I couldn't tell if I really liked it or not. So me, Craig Tucker is the most popular guy in school and for what? My good looks, my voice and believe it or not some people actually like my personality even though Its usually rude and shitty.

You could hear girls squealing from all directions when I walked into a room. Of course I wasn't the only one who got the attention, Clyde Donovan. He was also known for his good looks and his 'confidence' when in reality, he's a wuss in private. He wasn't known for anything else but those 2, other than he was a huge flirt.

Unlike me where I prefer the quiet, Clyde loves the attention and the girls. Hell, even some men were addicted to us! Me and Clyde met up with Tolkien in our first period class. "Finally you guys are here!" Tolkien said as we took our seats. "We were being crowded with people" Clyde smiled proudly while I rolled my eyes.

—6th period art—

Class was sooo boring, I looked around the classroom for literally. anything. interesting. but found nothing until I saw a certain someone.

He had blonde hair sticking up everywhere and he was glancing at me like every second, I don't think he knew I saw him but he's not very sneaky. At some point I was a little amused to his silly behavior, he would twitch a little and his constant short stares at me were so funny.

Now that I think about it, I could see some of the persons outfit next to me on the bus and his looked similar, was he the one who sat next to me?

"Tomorrow I will be assigning everyone to work on a group project of 2 and No, you cannot choose. I will be picking the people" Ugh This teacher is so annoying, Ms. Garcia can be a pain. I looked at Clyde and Tolkien but Clyde was the only one who looked upset about the whole partnering situation.

—later at 5pm—

Me and my friends were walking over to Tweek bros, I wasn't really a fan of coffee but my friends loved it so why not? I felt the coffee scented cafe when I walked in and sat in a booth while my friends walked to the counter to order.

A minute or two later I was on my phone while my friends were chatting in the booth. I then remembered it was my sisters birthday today but I didn't get her anything, usually I wouldn't care because she was fine with me just being there but if I'm already here I might as well get her something right?

I stood up and walked to the counter ringing a small bell signaling for an employee to walk out. A couple seconds later and a jittery blonde boy rushed out of the door, wasn't he from my school? He stood behind the counter awkwardly while shaking a little but he didn't say anything, am I supposed to first?Awkward..

"Hey? Uh, can I have a dozen boxes of cupcakes?" He didn't reply, he just kept staring. Whats wrong with this guy? "Hello?" He looked like he dozed off, was he daydreaming? I'm talking to him but he doesn't talk, just staring at me.. creepy.

"Hey, uhm Tweek? Are you okay?" I looked at the name tag on his uniform, weird name and its whats the shops called. "huh?! O-oh, I'm sorry!! What was your order again?" He finally snapped out of it and quickly replied to me while stuttering a bit.

"I said, I wanted an order of a dozen cupcakes" I said with my monotone voice but it sounded a little more annoyed. "Of course! I'll have it out shortly Craig!" He ran into the employees room, I would have asked him how he knew my name but I am pretty popular and this is a small town.

I sat with my friends while waiting for the cupcakes. "I hope we can be in the same projecttt" Clyde whined talking to me, Tolkien and Jimmy. "Its a duo kind of project, I guess it evens out but we can't all be 4." He put his head down with sadness while I looked away, Ding ding

"Your order is ready! Uhm, C-Craig." I walked over to Tweek. "Thanks" I gave him the money and took the box "So.. are you having a party?" Tweek asked me, why was he trying to start small talk? "Sort of, it's my sisters birthday. Just something small you know?" He smiled and nodded

For some reason I blushed lightly at his smile "I have to work for 30 more minutes, you have fun with your family!" I felt a little bad but I barely knew him, I just saw him today! So why was I feeling like this? I never would've done what I just did right now and if anyone asked I would deny it.

"That sucks. If you want, you could join me and hang out at my house, I doubt my sister would care" he had a shocked look on his face "Oh, I would but I don't wanna interrupt anything" His innocent face made me want to continue.

"Come with me, it'll be fun" He looked away in thought "I-I guess.. if you really don't mind" He looked down and I smiled in my head "Yeah come with me, you can finish early" I grabbed his hands and walked over to my friends table

"Guys, This is Tweek. I'm gonna go" I introduced him to them. "Oh, hey Tweek!" Clyde casually said and Tweek waved, they knew each other?

"You guys know each other?" I said confused. "Of course we do! Remember that one 8th grade dance we had? We all hung out" Clyde smiled as everyone else knew him too

"I didn't go" I thought it was stupid and I had no one to go with. "Yeah because you were boring! Tweek is so funny you'll love him! Maybe more than friends" he smirked at me as I flipped him off while rolling my eyes, Tweek stayed quiet.

"Lets just go, bye guys" I took Tweeks wrist but he yanked on it "I HAVE TO FINISH WORK" he said as I rolled my eyes, it was a bad habit. "Its just a few more minutes" he shook his head and ran to clock himself out, a few minutes later and we left to my house.

I don't actually know Tricias birthday.

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