Chapter 13

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Thursday, May 11th

I opened my eyes and almost jumped out of the roof. Tweeks face was so up close in my view, He was sleeping peacefully. I only remember that we were watching a movie, I think it was Childs play 2 but then I fell asleep. Usually when I saw Tweek he would be slightly twitching, especially when he was nervous but when he's asleep he's so calm.

I looked at his features for I don't even know how long until I remembered we had school today! I sat up and stretched my arms while picking up my phone 6:55, Thats pretty early. School starts at 8:35 so I just went back to sleep, I glanced at Tweek once more and he looked so cute.

Would it be weird if I did this? Yes it would but I can blame it on the sleeping right? I slowly put my arm around Tweeks waist to bring him closer to me, he smelled like Vanilla and a little bit of Cinnamon.

-time skip-

I got shaken awake, I groaned at the muffled voice "Cra...Craig...Craig!" I opened my eyes to the voice and realized it was Tweeks "Huh? What happened" I was confused, he was scrambling to put on his uniform. "Its 9:00! We're late for school" Oh crap! I got up and then realized.. I was at Tolkiens house.

I got my toothbrush from my bag and went to the bathroom. Me and Tweek got ready in 15 minutes, we ran 'the flash' speed to school and I actually mean it because we RAN our asses to class. Tolkien, Jimmy and Clyde had already left, what assholes.

We made it to school around 9:40 so we went to our second period, we didn't have the class together so we said our goodbyes, sadly.


I walked to the cafeteria while talking to Clyde, he was going on some random topic about he supposedly 'met the real santa clause.' I don't know how to break it to him, ha. We sat down with everyone and I sat next to Tweek being a little closer to him then anyone else.

Tweek was playing with his food, I guess he wasn't hungry? Or maybe he hated the school food that badly, it did suck a lot. Tweek had this mushed potato and lettuce on his fork and when he was bending the fork slightly back it hit me once he let go. I wiped my cheek "Oh! Craig I'm sorry" He apologized and I smirked.

"You wanna play that game?" I grabbed my spaghetti with a fork I found and shot it on his forehead, he was in complete shock. "Wow." He said and then threw more at me, I laughed even though it was kind of gross.

Clyde saw us play fighting with our food and joined in, he shot his cranberries at me and Tweek. Tweek pretended like he was just shot and fell on the ground dramatically, I laughed and pretended it hurt too.

We were all laughing and giggling while Tolkien and Jimmy were slowly joining us. After a few moments we were all throwing food, I can't believe the teachers didn't stop us, its not like there was really any though.

I kept throwing food when suddenly I shot it too far and it hit the girls table. I ducked and prayed for dear life when I saw my spaghetti noodles had landed on Wendy's head.

She looked at our table with an angered expression, I was surprised when I saw her throw her food at my face. It was a baked potato. And it hurt. A lot. I'm just being dramatic but after she did that I threw more food at her and soon enough, it was My table against theirs.

They had way more people but this was so much fun. I saw Butters jump on the table and shout "FOOD FIGHT!!" I was thinking it was gonna get silent and all awkward but everyone actually started throwing food! It was crazy in the cafeteria, I was covered in
marinara sauce and Tweek had so much food on him! We looked like snowman's but, food mans.

Remind myself to never use that joke again. The entire cafeteria had sauce, fries and everything you could think of on the floor and on peoples heads. Suddenly the cafeteria door opened and we saw our principal, he was definitely pissed. Mr. Joeking was not joking when he said no to something, the sign on the door said 'NO THROWING FOOD' yeah.. we broke that a few minutes ago.

"Everyone. STOP THIS INSTANT" Everyone quickly grew silent. "WHO DID THIS?" I stayed quiet, if someone rats me out then I'm gonna beat their ass. "EVERYONE OUT" We were moved to the gym and were lectured, it was so boring.

We got out of the school early so they could all contact our parents. I was so dead.. Since we were all about to be whooped, not Tolkien or Jimmy because they never really joined in! We decided to hang out anyways, just Clyde, me, Tolkien and Tweek because Jimmy was at a show he wanted to do for some of south park.

I opened my front door and got tackled into the snow "AAAACHK. What the hell Trish!" She was laughing, Im an 18 year old in my senior year! How the hell is a 9 year old stronger than me!

"IM 14 DICK!" Did I say that out loud.. 14 is more reasonable but still. I used to play football! "Yeah yeah, what'd you want?" I ruffled her hair, we hang out a lot when everyone else is busy. "We don't have any more cereal! Specifically Captain Crunch." My. heart. Dropped. What do we eat in the morning without cereal!

"I'll ask mom, I'm with friends" I have to keep cool.. "awww, that'll take forever" She whined and I invited my friends who looked 'concerned' about what just happened. "Go cry about it" she stuck her tongue out at me "I would if you weren't taking up all the noise with someone. Specifically in this room" I threw a couch pillow at her face so fast so she sounded half muffled.

My face was heating up but OF COURSE Clyde heard so he was like 'ooooo' "I bet I know who" He smirked, I flipped him off while Tolkien and Tweek were confused. We walked upstairs to my room and I sat on my bed, I scooted to the side and patted the bed looking at Tweek specifically.

He sat next to me and the other 2 sat on a bean bag chair, they were basically squashing each other. A few moments of everyone on their phones, I turned mine off and tackled Tweek to the bed "ACK, WHAT CRAIG" I laughed at his sudden shout.

"You gotta say mercy" I had my right arm around Tweeks torso holding him up against my chest with his back facing me, he was struggling to move. "Craig. You better get off or I'm gonna sock you so hard" He sounded serious but instead of obeying, I flipped him backwards so he landed on his back and then I pinned his arms on the bed.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Clyde was chanting and I had a smirk on my face, Tweek was red on his face while trying to move. I chuckled and got on top of him while inching my face closer to his a little, Before we got too close I felt a sudden pain below. "..f..fuck... that was low Tweek.." I said as I fell away from him.

I can't believe he kneed my crotch! "OOHH.. TWEEKS THE WINNER!!!" Clyde yelled and I flipped him off while Tweek laughed. I held my hands on my pants in pain when everyone was laughing but Tweek stopped and scooted closer to me "Craig, are you alright? Did I hit you too hard" he said it in a joking tone but it did hurt.

Tweek got close to my face "Craig?" I put my face up in attempt to kiss his lips AS A JOKE.. But I failed and kissed his cheek because he moved his head in time. "GAH! C-CRAIG WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PULL HERE" Tweek was visibly red and I laughed, Clyde and Tolkien had their mouths dropped. I got up on and sat on my bed anyways with a dorky smile on my face.

"Trying to mark what's mine?~" I said with a seductive voice and wrapped my arms around his waist. He blushed a dark red and I heard the other two silently leave the room and dash downstairs not wanting to deal with what was going on, I wanted to burst out laughing because I was only kidding but.. I kinda wanna see how this goes.

"A-are you serious ACK- what do you mean" He sounded worried? I smirked at him and held him closer towards me without a word. "The others left, you don't have to pretend anymore" I held his chin so he could face me and he opened his mouth slightly.

He looked at me still for a moment in shock and then suddenly he pushed me back. "A-Asshole." He said and I laughed while holding my stomach. "What're you doing?! You can't just ACK- f-flirt with me in front of our friends!" I put my hands up in defense

"Sorry, sorry. Won't happen again" I said with my fingers crossed behind my back and a small smile. He kicked my leg and my smile grew, we walked downstairs and looked around "I guess they really did leave" I laughed and felt another slap on the back of my head from Tweek.

"You are so violent!" I said with a dramatic whiny voice. "S-shut up! You've acted like such a dork this whole time" I couldn't help but keep a smile on my face, Tweek could make me smile all the time. "So wanna watch Red racer?" He nodded, I was gonna make him watch it with me anyways ..


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