Chapter 21

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Tuesday, May 23rd

"This is our last day at the amusement parks, which should we go too?" Tolkien had his finger intertwined together on the table. Everyone was gathered in a small table at one of the small restaurants near the parks.

"We could continue going to Disneyland?" Cartman suggested and ate a fry. "Somewhere that we haven't gone to yet" Tolkien, Stan, Tweek, Kenny and Clyde had the most serious looks on their faces as they discussed where to go.

"You guys realize we can go to these places whenever, right?" I've had enough of this ridiculous conversation. "Yeah Craig. But this is the last big day of our vacation so we have to make it last" Tweek sipped on his sprite across from me.

I rolled my eyes. "Let's just go to Knotts" Kyle was trying to be reasonable with everyone, I didn't think he would take it serious too? "Hmm, that is fun... some scary.. hmm..... yeah! Let's go to Knotts!" Kenny shouted and people gave us looks from other tables.

"Then it's settled." Tolkien lastly said and we went back to eating. I finished my food a few minutes ago, Clyde was still ordering more tacos then he could fit on his plate. Tweek- Tweek. "What're you doing?" Tweek jumped slightly and looked up at me when I spoke.

"I'm building a waffle house with syrup, is that such a crime" Jeez, I know he's weird but this? Is childish, still, a chuckle came out of me and a small goofy smile. I shook my head and looked away, hoping that he didn't see how much I was blushing, why does he have to be so cute?

-At Knotts-

I walked through the gate lastly as everyone was waiting for me inside. "Where should we go first?! Ghost rider?! Silver bullet?! Hang time?!" Kenny was the most excited, I can tell why I mean the guy doesn't get to go many places such as this.

"Silver bullet!" Clyde and Tolkien looked really excited to get on the ride. "Uhm, I've never been here before" Everyone looked at me like I was an insane person.

"WHAT? You haven't?! You really have to get out more, it's so much fun" Tweek gripped lightly on my shoulder and I was surprised, even Tweeks been here before me??

"Silver bullet it is then!" Stan shouted and we walked toward the direction. Tweek pointed at what each ride was, I slightly gulped at how 'supreme scream' looked. I am NOT getting on that one.

"The lines not that long right now come on! Clyde ran into the line, bumping into some people. "Wait a minute, Bebe?" Clydes eyes widened. "Clyde? What're you guys doing here?" She asked with Wendy next to her.

"We're finishing up our vacation, I assume you are too?" Stan stood next to Clyde, he kept eyeing Wendy, I think they broke up two years ago but they seem to be awkward still. More Stan than Wendy.

"Yeah! Do you guys wanna join us?" Wendy said with a bright smile, well she's in a good mood. Any other day and Wendy would have kicked our asses just by staring at her for too long. (2 seconds)

"Well- uhm no- yea- " "Well Of course we want too! That'll make this a hundred times more fun!" Stan was at a lost for words until Butters interrupted him and accepted. "Great! The lines moving" Bebe was in a cheery mood, she had a bright red top with a black leather jacket.

She's lucky it's only 75 degrees, this place was supposed to be hotter. "Guys pick who you're sitting with!" Clyde whisper-shouted to everyone.

Without thinking, I grabbed Tweeks hand and he squeaked because I pulled him close to me suddenly when he was a few feet away.

"I will admit, I've gone on this a bunch of times but it still makes me kinda nervous" Tweek said to me quietly enough for only me to hear. We got to the front of the line and took our seats.

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