Chapter 26

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Friday, May 26th

"Tweek! Craig! It's 6am! Our flight starts at 8" Loud banging came from my room door as I opened my eyes. My alarm was going off like crazy so I turned it off, why didn't I wake up? I'm not usually a heavy sleeper.

I tried to move but my waist was getting held by something or, someone. I saw Craig when I looked behind me, why is he?- wait a minute.. didn't we-

"AAAAH" I screamed making Craig jolt up, I jumped out of bed and looked at Craig panicked. "What? What is it??" He obviously didn't get what was going on here.

"You're! Naked?? Did we? We did! Oh fuck! How could this happen, why wasn't I thinking" We had boxers on but nothing else! It's pretty much the same!

I started pacing around the room in a panic, what if everyone finds out? What if they don't accept me? What if Craig just wanted to get me in bed?!

"Tweek. Shh, it's okay" Craig got out of bed and hugged me making me less anxious. "I-I'm sorry. I just, I forgot that we did what we did yesterday... What are we?" I looked at Craig and he only looked back at me.

"Lets talk about it at home, okay? Try and clear your mind Honey" Craig kissed my forehead and took a shower. Did he? Kiss my head AND call me honey?

I should be angry but instead I felt like kicking my feet and screeching from how cute he was! Does this mean we're together? Does he really like me back? He wouldn't fuck me if he didn't right?

I had so much questions, I'll have them answered once I get home.

Time skip (sorry)

"Finally! South-park! We're back" Clyde shouted and plopped himself face flat on the snow. That truck was squished as hell.

Jumping out of the car door, my feet was met with the crunch sound of snow. It's way colder out here, I shivered from the soft snow flakes glazing my skin. "Tweek, lets talk" Craig put a hand on my shoulder and I nodded.

We said out goodbyes to everyone else and then continued walking until we got to Craigs house, he let me in and we sat on his bed in the bedroom.

"So, you asked. 'What are we?' Well, I don't know" Craig stared at his shoes and I saw a faint pink on his cheeks. "I'm just going to say it. Do you like me? Like, do you love me Craig?" I stared him in the eye but he wouldn't look at me.

He kept looking down so I grabbed his cheeks to face me with my hands. "Do you love me?" I had a determined face, Craigs faint pink turned redder and redder.

"Uhm. D-do I like you? Like, love?" Why was Craig so nervous that he was stuttering? "Yes, love" Our eyes never left each other.

"Tell me the truth Tucker." I put a hand on his hands that were tightly pressed against each other. "Yes Tweek, I do love you. I've thought about it everyday and how much I want to be there for you and hold you in a romantic way instead of being 'just friends,' I'm sorry." Craig put his head down, he loves me too..?

"Craig I.. I love you too." I put my hands on his face so he could look at me, he was surprised but then a smile formed on his face and in that moment he wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me.

The kiss was short but passionate. "Tweek, Can I be your boyfriend?" Both of our faces were red but I smiled as I hugged him. "Yes! I will be" We laughed a little.

Time skip

Me and Craig got to talk about our feelings through out the day, who knew he's liked me since maybe the second week of knowing me?

I was laying on Craigs chest on his bed. Craig stroked my hair softly and a thought came to my head, this is kind of awkward to say.

"This might sound dumb but.. I've kinda had a crush on you since 8th grade" I covered my face in slight embarrassment. Craig moved my hands out of my face "Really? Why didn't you talk to me sooner" Craigs face was pink and he looked happy.

"Well... You were kind of an asshole." Craig flicked my head for ruining the moment. I laughed "Yeaaah, I guess you're right." Craig smiled awkwardly then planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Monday we start school again, excited?" Craig asked me with no excitement in his voice. "Yeah, soo excited" I copied his monotone voice and he huffed smiling.

"Graduation day is on Tuesday. Things happen so fast don't they?" Me and Craig looked at his ceiling, thinking about our school year.

"Yeah, they really do." So many things happened in just one school year. There's so much things to look forward to in the future as well. And I for one, cannot wait to experience it all, with Craig Tucker.


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