Chapter 5

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Monday, May 1st - long time skips sorryy

Its been about 3 weeks I think? Since me and Craig spoke. Its not that we're awkward, we'll say hi sometimes in the hallways, mostly me. But we kind of drifted apart, Kennys been hyping me up to talk to him again but I don't know if I can with his girlfriend in the picture.

I could take her away somehow? I've never thought of myself as a home wrecker. I'm not a bad person. But, I've liked Craig for way longer than Annie, I deserve him! Not her! Now I just sound selfish, but my mind stays on the thought..
I walked to my friends group table during our 1st break with Kenny and Butters, Kenny usually hung out with Stans gang but he enjoyed talking with us more.

"So, Kenny. I have a favor.. can you help me break Craig and Annie up?" He smirked at me as this was the new thing bringing his attention. "How do you plan on doing it?" I smiled at his response, Kennys nice but he's always helpful when a friend is in 'need.'

"Are you sure thats a good idea?" Now Butters really was a nice guy, he was also really naive at times. "Not really but I'm so sick of waiting! I've lost my chance way too many times! I have to make a move" He nodded "If you say so but be careful, if things go wrong then at least be prepared for what could happen next."

Butters was always trying to get me out of things I wanted to start, it was annoying but sweet at the same time because of how much he cared. I nodded, and told Kenny what I was thinking.

"Okay so you could try and get Annie alone and then you know do your flirty thing you do at party's, I'm sure she'll break!" Kenny looked at me in thought "I like it! No one can resist my charm" I rolled my eyes, I noticed he looked at winked at Butters so he blushed.

"Yes, we get it Kenny. You're a 'true fuck machine'" I rolled my eyes. "Haha it's true though!" Butters stayed quiet while Kenny continued to rant about how good looking he was. I guess you could say he was the 4th most popular person in school, because Tolkien was 3rd for being rich.


Me and Kenny ate our food in 10 minutes with 20 left to spare. We hid behind a wall where Annie and Wendy were talking about random gossip "Okay I'm gonna distract Wendy and you talk to Annie" he nodded, I walked from behind the corner.

"Hey!" I smiled and they looked at me confused, I guess thats a no on being friends later.. well Wendy liked me, she comforted me sometimes during our school dances. "Uhh. Stan wanted to talk to you Wendy, right now" She looked at me with surprise "we broke up a year ago" crap I forgot!

"He said it was important" she rolled her eyes and followed me "He's probably gonna beg for me to take him back again, bye Annie!" Wendy walked ahead of me and I put a thumb up for Kenny to reveal himself. I saw him slightly pin her against the wall and her blush, That was all I saw before I turned another corner.

We arrived in the cafeteria "Oh shooot you know what? I was supposed to get Kyle not you, sorry Wendy" she looked at me confused "How did you get me confused with KYLE?" I put my hands up in defense, I do not wanna get my ass kicked right now.

She rolled her eyes and sat with the other group of girls. I searched for Craig and shortly found him, I walked up to him "Craig! I need to talk to you for a moment" he looked at me confused. "Why? What happened" I grabbed his wrist pulling him out of the cafeteria.

"Dude, what?" He slightly yanked his wrist out of my reach. "Sorry! sorry. this might not be easy but.. I saw Annie cheating on you." He stood silently and it made me nervous, he started to laugh a little. "Yeah right Tweek! She would never!" I held my sad expression until he realized I wasn't 'joking.'

"Show me." I walked with him "She should be over here!" I shouted a little to signal Kenny to make a real move, when we turned around a corner I saw Kenny kiss Annie. Craig stood speechless "Liar." I hear him mutter, he doesn't believe it! Annie has to do something-!

Then at that moment I saw Annie put her arms around Kennys neck, showing that she did want to kiss him. Yes! I was mentally screaming and smiling that my plan would work! "No.. ANNIE." He shouted and you could see the anger in his eyes. Annie let go quickly with a shocked and scared expression.

"B-babe I'm.. it wasn't me! He pushed himself on me!" She tried to defend herself but he didn't believe her. "Don't 'babe' me. If you're going to be a whore then you might as well own up to it! We're done." I was expecting a little more to happen but he just walked away and I think I could see a tear.

Oh shit. This all happened because of me, I made Craig cry? He never cries though! Annie ran away somewhere and Kenny walked up to me for a handshake "We totally pulled that off!" He laughed, I shook my head.

"I didn't think I was going to hurt him this bad!" He rolled his eyes "He'll get over it! And once he does then you two will be together so happy ending! I think Annie was way more into Daniel anyways" That last part made me feel a little better, if Annie got with someone else and I got with Craig then we would both be happy!

I sighed and we walked back to the lunch tables for the remaining minutes of our break. All lunch Kenny was talking about how it went down to Butters and he looked so surprised, so was I. I wonder how tomorrow will go, I didn't see where Craig went so I'll try and comfort him tomorrow! Yeah, tomorrow.


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