Chapter 2

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Same day..

I've known Craig since we were in 3rd grade, not personally because I just never had the courage to talk to him. I've had a crush on him since 5th grade. Its been long and I can't believe I liked him for so long yet we're not even friends!! Its just, once in December, specifically the 17th. .

I was walking down the icy sidewalk from home with my coffee, I was about to take a sip when I slipped on the ice. I almost hit my head but something, someone caught me, I looked up to see Craig with his arms around my head keeping me still "Woah, you could get seriously hurt if you're not careful"

I nodded slowly at his words, "S-sorry! Ack-!" I had the worst time talking normally when I would tick and it was embarrassing. His expression looked a little shocked "What is it?" I looked at him being confused when he pointed at my shirt, my clothes were covered in the coffee I had in my now half way filled mug.

"Ah no." I could barely control my feelings when I was 10 so I could feel myself about to tear when suddenly, Craig grabbed my mug and poured the rest of the coffee on his sweater, I gasped with my hands cupped on my mouth "No! What're you d-doing?!" I shouted as he smiled.

"Now we're both messy! Don't feel bad" He got closer but slipped on the ice while falling on me, "AH" I yelled when we fell in sync. We looked up at each others face being inches away, I could feel myself blush red when his face had a small pink on his cheeks.

"S-sorry!" I got up from him trying to cool myself from that awkward moment. "Its okay, really" He gave me a small smile and picked my hand up lightly, he put it close to his cheek and my face grew warm.


After that we hung out for a few hours, but it was in 5th grade! And I've seen he isn't really like that anymore so he probably doesn't even remember. But this could be my chance to remind him! Or start something! I might be a little delusional right now but I don't care, he really changed the way I thought about everything.

Craig opened his house door and I saw his family smiling while sitting at the kitchen table but it soon dropped when they saw me. "Tweek?" Tricia asked and I waved to her, I see her a lot at the coffee shop with her friends.

"You too know each other too?- never mind, Tricia I got these for you and the family" Craig said and walked over to the kitchen counter and I awkwardly stood at the front door, I looked around his house and it was nice for my first time seeing it. "Me and Tweek are gonna hang out, do you mind?" He whispered to his sister, I wonder if his parents would agree for him to miss his sister's birthday

She nodded with a small smirk and he flipped her off while moving his hand, gesturing for me to follow him upstairs "Uhm.. I'll be.. back" he said as a lie for his parents. We walked inside his bedroom and I looked around, there was space posters everywhere and his room was actually kind of neat, well his bed was.

The desks were a little messy "This is my room, obviously. Do you wanna play games? Call of duty?" I shook my head so quickly I probably could've snapped my head "Thats way too much pressure for me! I'd rather watch you" He nodded and we sat on the floor as he grabbed his controller.

"Heres some chips" Craig said and I grabbed the bag from him, they were hot Cheetos and it was a little awkward when we accidentally touched each others hands when reaching for a chip. Craig didn't have his hat on because he was inside the house and he looked so good, no wonder he's popular for some of his good looks.

It was around 8 and kind of dark outside, I felt like an obsessed little kid being so excited about everything because I couldn't believe it! I was in THE Craig. Tuckers. Bedroom. I blushed when I would catch myself accidentally staring at him for too long when he was playing.

I occasionally tugged on his arm when he was about to die "MOVE MOVE GO TO THE RIGHT, SHOOT HIM SHOOT HIM" And he would be struggling and shouting with me "HE WON'T DIE. NO FUCK HE'S CHEATING." It was a lot of fun but I didn't want it to get too late "Its already 8:10 so I'm gonna go" I slowly sat up. He got off the game and stood up with me

"I'll walk you out" We walked down stairs, when I walked out the door I really wanted to ask him if he remembered that day in 5th grade. I gained my courage to ask and remind him.

I turned around and opened my mouth to speak but he shut the door in my face, dang it. I walked down the sidewalk to get home, I wonder if this hang out was just a one time thing, aw man. I then remembered my house was in-front of his, its a little weird how we were neighbors but we never talked.


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