Chapter 17

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Wednesday, May 17th

I felt a hot warm on my face when I squinted my eyes open to adjust to the light. I looked around and saw the ground? We were landing but the sun was right in my face! I felt bad for Craig because he was sitting next to the window.

"Hey sunshine~" I looked to my right and saw Kenny. "Oh hey Kenny, I guess we're here huh? I really hope this is gonna be as fun as everyone says it will!" I was practically squealing and jumping out of my seat with excitement!

"Okay everyone do NOT forget any of your stuff because I will not be reminding you again" Tolkien said as everyone scattered along with the last few people in the plane. We all walked out into the next airport, I hated being in crowds. I was walking with my luggage when one of my bags dropped 'shit!' I thought as I bend down to pick it up but when I got back up I didn't see my friends, CRAP.

"Uhmm..guys?" I was starting to slowly panic as I looked around and squeezed through the crowd.
Shit,shit,shit,shit. WHERE DID THEY GO?- I felt a tug on my wrist when I got pulled out of the crowd and then hands on my shoulders "Tweek! Where did you go??" Craig said with a concerned look.

"I..I got los- ack- lost" I tried smiling to make it into a joke even though it was scaring the crap out of me. "Try to stick with us, okay?" Craig smiled and held my hand, I blushed and looked at his hand gripping mine. Around 5 minutes and we finally made it out of there!

"Okay guys~ this! Is my dads friends van that we'll be driving in" Woah. It was huge! It looked way expensive, I saw Tolkien thanking the guy while he drove in some other car. "Okay...what are you waiting for? Load it up!" Tolkien said when we were all in some 'trance.'

We all loaded the car and made the trip toward Anaheim. It was about a 30 minute drive from there until we parked somewhere, Tolkien paid the guy and then spoke to us, "I'm paying for 2 rooms, it's expensive okay?" We all groaned at having to share "They're pretty big rooms guys, each room has 3 beds at least and a couch so it'll do" that sounded better when Tolkien announced it.

Tolkien parked in one of the parking lots and I reached for my seatbelt, I pressed the button but it didn't take it off, I pressed it again and it wouldn't budge. 'No need to panic' was how I tried to reassure myself, I can imagine it now where 911 is sawing through the seatbelt, I grunted and pressed it violently until I felt a weight on my shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay? You've been pressing on my seatbelt button for the past 2 minutes" "oh." Was all I could say when Craig had a hand on my shoulder with a concerned look. "Uhm.. I didn't r-realise haha ack-" I could feel the embarrassment crawling on my skin but tried to ignore it when I went to the truck to get my stuff.

Tolkien shut the vans doors and we went to a escalator that brought us down to the ground floor outside. Everything was extremely colorful, I couldn't tell if I liked it or not but it was also really crowded. "Lets get there quick okay guys? Its already 5pm" Kyle kept checking his clock every 5 minutes.

We walked to a line where the trams were and I kept lightly shaking which was normal I guess. "There's so much people" Craig nodded, he looked tired but we all kind of were. "Its almost our turn, Get in 3 lanes so we can all fit and not leave anyone behind" I stood by Craig and Clyde begging that I didn't get shoved or trampled on.

The tram pulled up and we all got in. . . Well, most of us. "Hey Cartman! You're too fat, get off" Kenny said muffled with his parka but you could still hear him. "No! I can fit you poor ass" Cartman kept trying to squeeze himself in the seats but everything was too full for him to fit. "Sir, you're gonna have to go on the next one" Cartman made a fuss when he got dragged out of the vehicle.

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