Chapter 12

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I'm not mad at Tweek. Maybe a little upset, but he didn't need to know that unless I was already showing it. But I don't get why he was hanging out with that whore! I guess its none of my business but the way Kenny words his 'jokes,' I just don't like it at all.

"Craaig? Did I upset you?" Oh yeah. And Tweek thinks I really am mad at him because I won't look at him, I can't look at him! He was SO close to me.. Tweek just wouldn't back up! With his big bright green eyes that show such adventure, And his messy blonde hair that I would love to touch and play with forever.

"Craig!" Tweek was directly in my face and I couldn't help cracking a small smile. All of a sudden I felt Tweek grab my face with his shaky hands to face him "Craig. Why don't you look at me?" He had this concern in my eyes and I felt bad, I grabbed his arms gently and placed them on his lap but I didn't let go.

"I'm not mad, sorry. I was just, thought" I couldn't think of what to say! I heard Kenny whispering to Tweek and then I saw Tweeks face grow pink, I don't know why but it angered me! The way Kenny got to make Tweeks face all colorful with the red and pink, maybe that sounds weird..

There was an awkward silence because Kenny was whispering things in Tweeks ear that I couldn't hear and I started to feel awkward so I let go of Tweeks wrists. "Soo, are we studying for the exams?" Tolkien suggested, crap! I forgot all about that.

"Awww thats so boring! Do we have tooo?" Clyde said a little muffled when he put his head down on the table. "Do you want to fail our last year of high school?" I said and he shook his head without a word, sometimes Clyde doesn't think.

"We can study at my house after school" Tolkien suggested and everyone agreed, I looked to my left and saw Tweek slightly swaying side to side but he was learning more towards Kenny. Is he that tired? I moved his arm closer towards me lightly and he shut his eyes on my shoulder.

Clyde gave me this smirk while the others were talking and I looked away with a small smile.

--After school--

I was putting my stuff away in my locker for the day with Craig leaning on the other locker next to me. "So, you free tonight?" Kenny walked up to me and I laughed lightly "Why?" He smiled but before he could say anything. Tolkien, Clyde and Jimmy went up to us three

"Guys lets go! I have to go somewhere at 7 so we need to study" Tolkien was rushing me and Craig, I noticed Kenny started to leave, what did he want to talk about? All 5 of us went outside to Tolkiens car since we all got dropped off when school started, then I remembered.

"Hey guys, I actually have to work until 6" They looked at me confused since it was 3:01. "3 hours? Can't you skip" Craig asked me and I shook my head "Sorry! Bye guys" I decided to walk because everything was so close in south park.


I finished my shift around 6:10 but I had to finish and clean up a few other things, I made my way to Tolkiens house. I wonder if they're still there because Tolkien said he had somewhere to go at 7:00? Shortly after, I knocked on his door and waited for someone to open it, I saw Craig open the door.

"My shifts over" I said and he let me in "You said 6:00" Craig told me in an impatient tone. "Sorry, people can be so gross! They just leave everything there" He laughed and me and I rolled my eyes. "Sorry. Too much, huh?" I tend to go on and on about my problems with people I'm comfortable with.

"No, its cool. Tolkien left early a few minutes ago but he said we could stay because he's coming back around 9" 9? Thats a little late because its a school night. We walked in Tolkiens room and I saw everyone but Tolkien.

"Heyy Tweek! We kinda.. gave up on studying. So we're all hanging out now" I sighed and facepalmed myself. Me and Craig sat on Tolkiens huge bed, he said he just got a new one like it was nothing! "We're sleeping over, are you gonna?" Craig asked and I shook my head

"I don't think I can" I saw Craig kind of zone out and then kneel in front of Clyde while whispering something to him. "Oh? Oh! Oh~ Uhhh, Jimmy! Come here for a moment" I saw Clyde grab his arm and they rushed out the room, why?

A few seconds later I felt Craig scoot closer to me, Oh god. Is this what I think it is?! A confession about his undying love for me?! I would love that but he is really close.. "Are you sure you can't sleep over? I'd be really happy with you next to me tonight" He said quietly and placed a hand on mine, I felt my face grow warm

But then I saw a tiny smirk on his face, oh, he was joking? "Is that your way of flirting?" I decided to play along and leaned closer to him which he looked slightly shocked but then continued.
"Is it working?~" He smiled widely and I almost melted. After he got his teeth straightened in sophomore year, he got even hotter!!

"Mm..No" I got close and said next to his ear with a hand on his shoulder, I could feel him tense up. "Aww" He went back to normal and moved away, I frowned because that was pretty fun.. I heard Clyde shout on the other side of the door "OKAY WE'RE COMING IN AND YALL BETTER HAVE AT LEAST YOUR PANTS ON" He walked inside with a hand on his eyes and I laughed.

"Its okay Clyde, we didn't do anything" I smiled as he sighed with relief, "Almost" I looked at Craig and he smirked with a wink, I could've melted and cummed right there but I held my cool.

-time skip-

It was 11:30, Tolkien was chatting with Clyde while Jimmy was full on knocked out. I was sitting on Tolkiens bed next to Craig with my legs on his lap, we were watching a movie on my laptop. I looked over to Craig and he looked like he was falling asleep so I lowered the volume to let him rest.

"We have school tomorrow so lets head to bed, like Jimmy haha" Tolkien said as I nodded. "Craigs asleep, do I wake him up?" Both boys quickly shook their head "You do NOT wanna wake up Craig when he's tired and already asleep, you guys can have my bed for tonight, I'll sleep in one of your sleeping bags" We all agreed and Clyde was whisper-arguing about who got the softer bag.

Mine was a little rough and Craigs was overly comfy but in the end, Clyde took Craigs sleeping bag and Tolkien went in Clydes sleeping bag. I wanted to get more comfy so I turned the laptop off and took my legs off of Craigs lap. I could live in Tolkiens house for the rest of my life, I was snuggled up in the covers, they were so warm and soft!!

I glanced at Craig and I saw he was still in his sitting position with his head tilting to the side, he's so gonna get bad neck pain in the morning. I slowly pulled his legs down so he could lay on the bed instead of sitting. He reacted to it and kicked me off lightly while moving to the right side which resulted in me being squished next to him.

I didn't really mind because I loved being close to him, we were so close that I could feel his warm breath on my neck. He was laying on his side facing me and I was laying on my back while staring at the ceiling, if I were to turn to my left side then we would be SO close to each others faces..

I turned to the left anyways so I could face him, he made me feel safe and it was easier to sleep when he was near me. I shut my eyes waiting for my slumber to begin, this day was okay.


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