Chapter 19

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Saturday, May 20th

I felt several stings on my face until my eyes finally opened. "Tweek. Get up, we're going to California Adventure now" I saw Craig putting on a sweater, he was already dressed.

I rubbed my eyes to adjust to my surroundings. Why are we already leaving? I mean I guess we've been here for about 4 days but I'm really gonna miss Disneyland.

—Once they got ready. 1:00pm—

"If you guys don't get out of that room right now. I'm gonna have to assume that you're dead or fucking" Clyde shouted from the other door as I quickly ran to open it.

"No Clyde! We are NONE of those." I pushed passed him and heard him snicker. "We could be one of them if you catch my drift?~" Craig put his arms around my chest from behind me and I shook him off.

"No jokes right now! We gotta go, everybody's waiting" I grabbed my wallet and we headed outside with everyone else. "Who said I was joking?" Craig softly spoke. "What?" A light pink blush formed on my face.

"Nothing" Craig brushed it off and walked with the others, I know what I heard. He doesn't usually 'brush' it off like that.. was he serious? No. He couldn't be, he never is.

"What should we go on first?" Stan asked as we walked inside the place. "Lets do the swings!"Cartman shouted and we all looked at him with a 'are you serious?' Face.

"Your ass will fall out" Craig looked at him, trying not to crack a smile. "You'll break the swing itself" Kyle added in to Craigs comment. "I don't think you'll even fit inside A swing, you'll need a two seater" I started to laugh and Cartmans face got red.

"You assholes! Lets just do it" I shrugged my shoulders, it's not my fault if he falls. As long as he doesn't fall and make everyone else go along with him.

"Last chance Cartman. We're warning you" Kyle told Cartman once we were in front of the line. "Shut up stupid Jew, I'll be fine" Cartman pushed him and went to find a swing.

"I wasn't saying it for your safety, you might as well drop all of us" Kyle sighed but Cartman didn't hear him. "Uhm. Tweek" I turned around and Craig was looking slightly down, theres a pinkish color on his face?

"Hm? What happened?" I asked him as we kept walking to find a good swing. "Uh. Would you. Do you?" He looked way nervous then usual, why's he acting like this?

"Just say it, Craig" He finally looked at me and pointed, I looked towards the direction of his finger and saw a 2 seater swing. "You want, to share?" I questioned him and he nodded. I rolled my eyes.

"Then why didn't you just say so?" I grabbed his hand and we sat in a blue 2 seater swing. "I know this is sudden but, what if we fall out?" I started to get nervous.

"You'll be okay Tweek, just don't look down" Craig said and I felt us lift off the floor slowly. "C-Craig, Craig Craig Craig-" I felt him softly put his hand on mine.

"Breathe, Tweek. We'll be on the floor before you know it" He smiled and my worries drifted slowly as I looked at Craig and his hand on mine. "Okay." Craig made me feel so much better.

Maybe 2 minutes which felt like 2 hours passed, I felt my feet on the ground again. "See Tweek? We're fine" I nodded at Craigs small smile.

"What next?" Tolkien asked with his face in a map so we don't get lost. "I know I know! We should ride The incredicoaster!" Kenny had a wide grin and everyone looked at him like he was crazy.

"Woah dude. Did you see the loop on that thing?!" Stan said with his jaw opened. "Yeah that's why!" Kenny was not backing down on this.

"We're gonna fall out!" I started to pull on my hair just to calm myself down. "Lets do it" Craig said and once he said it, Kenny started pulling everyone towards it.

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