Chapter 27

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Monday, May 29th

"Tweek Tweak, will you marry me?" I stood on one knee with the scenery of snow falling softly.

"Yeah, sure" My expression from loving eyes turned dull and I got up, smacking the guy in front of me.

"Idiot. Be serious about this!" Tolkien continued to laugh a little at me as I rolled my eyes. "Ugh. I'll never be able to ask him" I pulled my lids down in frustration.

"Dude, take it slow. You guys barely got together not even a week ago. You can't be asking already!" Tolkien put a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

How did word get out so quickly? I have no idea. One Saturday morning was so peaceful until a huge pile of notifications coming from my group-chat of all of my friends questioned me.

"I know. But I feel it! I love him" I guess it is kind of too early to ask him all of that. But we're going to be out of high-school in two days, soon I'll ask him.

"Yeah you guys fucked, I get it but it's still way too early!" Clyde came from out of the corner of the halls. Okay that, I have no idea who got that information!

"Shut up." My face was slightly red. "What're you guys talking about? A gay little party?" Kenny walked out of the cafeteria with his arm around Tweek and I immediately confronted him.

"No. Also I talked to you about this already, hands off Mccormick." I put my arm around Tweek, pulling him closer to me.

"Oh- Hello?" Tweek smiled at me slightly, I guess I should've said hi first. "Hi honey, I'm sorry" I softly said as I kissed Tweeks forehead, he had a red blush on his face.

"Okay o-okay, w-wr-wrap it uppp" Jimmy walked up to us. "Lets all hang out, before graduation tomorrow! And I mean it, the girls, us, the guys"

Kenny hugged me from behind and I had an angered expression that read 'if you don't get off of me right now then I will beat your ass.'

"That's a great idea Kenny! Schools over in 30 minutes, text everybody" Everyone got on their phones, texting everyone that they knew.

I glanced at Tweek and he was falling asleep, he had his eyes hooded. Kind of like when I fucked him the other nigh- wait what? I shook my head out of those thoughts.

Without thinking, I took my jacket off and rolled it into a ball. "Tweek." Tweek looked my way still sleepy, he looked so cute.

"Come here" I scooted my desk closer to him, Tweek laid on my chest with the jacket as a pillow, I laid his legs on the other side of the chair.

I played with Tweeks hair as he fell asleep in my arms.

Time skip

"stop.. Stop... STOP STOP NOO CRAIG!" Clyde screeched as I beat his ass in Mario Kart. "Haha! 4 to 0" I felt so proud of myself and loved it how Tweek cheered for me too.

"Okay that's enough pain for Clyde. Who wants to go next?" Tolkien waited for someone to raise their hand until he saw a petite one raise their hand in the back. My house has never been so crowded

"Me! Me! Meeeee! I'll beat your sorry ass Craig!" Bebe stood up, dusting off her bright red skirt and grabbed one of the controllers. "We'll see about that blondie" I smirked and got ready to beat her.

The game showed the countdown '1' '2' 3!' Once it said 3, I pressed the pedal long enough to do a boost. Bebe had it for too long so she got exploded "Ooh" everyone felt sorry for Bebe's beginning.

This will be easy! I was silver Mario and I passed al of the computers that were in hard mode. Bebe was cat peach, of course it had to be pink.

I was on the second lap when I got exploded by a blue shell. "Shit" I muttered under my breath and Bebe passed me. Everyone was shouting at the suspense, some booing and whooing.

"Shit shit shit shit" We got closer to the end of the 3rd lap and Bebe was only slightly behind me. We got closer but right at the end .... I slipped on a banana. "FUCK".      "YEAH! BEAT THAT CRAIG"

Everyone shouted different hollering. Bebe was in her own world dancing like crazy, what a weirdo. I rolled my eyes "you're just jeaaaaalous that I won!" I scoffed at Bebe.

"Yeah, I'm real jealous that you won after my 12 victories." Bebe only rolled her eyes at me. "You still did pretty good, second place." Tweek held my hands with a smile.

As long as Tweek was happy, I'm happy. "Smash bros next! Tweek play against.... Wendy!" Kenny suggested and everyone shouted in agreement.

"Agh! I don't really know how to play" Tweek was a slight jittery mess. "It's fine Tweek, I'll guide you" I held Tweeks hand with the controller.

"Aye! No helping, Wendy hasn't played before either so it's fair" Red crossed her arms, I bet she said that just to annoy me.

"I'm so excited! Lets just try and figure it out together Tweek" Wendy had a soft smile on her face and I saw Tweeks muscles relax. She better not try anything.

They played for a good 3 minutes until they had a sudden death. "Crap crap crap agh!" Tweek was running away from the fire while trying to dodge Wendy.

"Tee hee!" Wendy giggled as she jumped and landed on Tweek so he got blasted out of the map. "THATS GAME!" Clyde shouted. "Yeah we hear the tv Clyde" Clyde flicked my head even though I was right.

"That was really fun! At least someone won because I thought that game was never going to end" Tweek still had a smile on his face and I held him in a hug.

"Since Wendy won, she'll go up against... Stan!" Cartman chose carefully, we all know he did that on purpose.

"Uhm, okay" Stan was still slightly awkward with Wendy but she acted like he was just a classmate friend at times.

"This'll be easy" Stan finally got his confidence back. "Yeah, it will" Wendy smirked at Stan and the game started counting down '1' '2' '3' 'GO!'

Everything happened in a flash, Wendy was on one side of the screen to the next and then the corner and then the middle! Was she just kidding when she said she's never played?!

Stan was down to one heart, Wendy with her remaining 3. Wendy jumped off of a cloud and landed right onto Stan making the game end. I think that's her special move.

"Woah Wendy! I thought you didn't know how to play??" Kyle was amazed. "Mm, maybe a little!" Wendy giggled at her victory, maybe she was going easy on Tweek.

"Alright, lets get serious. Graduation starts at 10:am, lets be there at 9:20 to get some food and take some photos!" Bebe suggested and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Lets do that!" Tweek beamed and I nodded, if Tweek liked it then I liked it.


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