Chapter 14

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Friday, May 12th

I got my tray of food from Chef and then made my way over to my friends table. Kenny and Butters were there? So was Kennys friend group! Why? I'm a very curious person.

The table was really crowded, should I just sit somewhere else.. I was gonna make a U-turn somewhere else but Craig saw me and waved his hand for me to come over, yikes. I lowered my head and whispered in his ear "I don't know where to sit" I don't wanna be rude either.

"Why don't you take a seat on my lap?" Craig whispered in my ear and I kicked his back without thinking. He was snickering and 'apologizing' what a ass. "You have to sit somewheree~" Was he not joking?! I shook my head quick.

Kenny was next to Craig so they were chatting and then after I saw Kenny make a little room for me, by a little I mean THE TINIEST SPOT. Craig didn't notice and still told me to sit down, I rolled my eyes and sat down on the bench, I could barely fit! This is not in my comfort zone AT ALL "Craig, its so cramped." I whispered to him.

"You coulddddd you knoww?" He patted his leg, When is he gonna get over that idea? I rolled my eyes and tried to eat my mac n cheese, soon enough it became stressful being slightly nudged by everyone, I sighed and accepted my fate while taking a seat on Craigs lap. I heard a grunt from him because he wasn't expecting it.

"You actually agreed" I heard Craig said from behind and I could tell he was smirking. My legs were hanging off from sitting on him so I thought of an idea, I swung one of my legs and hit his leg. I heard a shout from him and everyone slightly looked at us "He's fine, don't worry" I innocently smiled and then I felt arms being wrapped around my waist. I got pulled in close to Craig.

"That. Hurt. Meanie" I laughed uncontrollably and then fell to my side but Craig caught me with his leg. We stayed silent and then I bursted out laughing, I can't even remember what I was laughing about! Even Craig was just looking at me confused, I couldn't stop and then I heard another grunt from Craig but he didn't look hurt. He was making some weird face while looking away, Craig pulled me up on the far side of his lap "Better" I'm a little confused but okay?

"So guys, how're we feeling about that road trip!" Kenny said with a wide smile "With what money, Kenny?" Cartman laughed at him. "I have Money for SOME of you, rich people have to save up too okay?" Tolkien said, it is true and I only have 602 dollars. I don't go out much.

"Where should we go?" Craig asked, If we do go then I might not go, too many people. "Lets go to disney land! And California adventure!" Clyde shouted and everyone laughed. "Clyde. Realistically, it would take a while just to get there!" Tolkien tried reasoning but Clyde didn't care.

"We're gonna have 2 weeks off after Monday! We must go somewhere fun!" Everyone thought about it and then agreed but with what money! "I'll pay. But you have to put in at least 30 for your plane tickets" Everyone shouted with excitement, I don't know about amusement parks.. last time I went to one, a kid fell off a faris wheel. I was shaking lightly with fear, the shaking became a little more ruff and I was in my own thinking world.

Thats a lot of pressure! What do we do when we go there? How can we be sure its safe? What would I even bri- "Tweek." I jumped lightly at the sudden voice, "Craig? What happened" I turned to face him and changed my sitting position toward him. "I called your name 3 times and You're shaking like crazy, whats wrong?" Was it that noticeable? I guess he could feel it because I'm on him.

"I'm fine. Just nervous about the trip" I felt Craig bring me closer where he wrapped his arms around me. "It'll be fine Tweek, we're gonna have a lot of fun! Especially with a cutie like you~" I pushed him out of the hug and hit his shoulder "S-stop making jokes like that!" He laughed.

"Whyy, you don't like them? The redness on your face says otherwise" He kept smirking at me when I covered my face. "UNRELATED!" He laughed and I covered my eyes too.

-Tweeks house-

Okay, okay we can do this, you can do this Tweek! Don't be scared, its just a plane but wait.. "GUYS I JUST REMEMBERED! We had a test on Monday!" The guys looked at me confused "Thats what we're doing Tweek, studying" Craig told me.

Tolkien, Clyde and Jimmy were studying and laying on the floor while Craig was laying on my bed with a book on his hand like a 'princess.' "Oh yeah" I stopped worrying and continued to study, this was the last big final exam that would be testing everything we learned over EVERY GRADE. Being a senior is hard work..

We have been studying for at least 3 hours until Clyde groaned and laid on his back while looking at my ceiling. "I'm so bored. Can we take a break" Jimmy shook his head at Clyde. "We c-c-can't take a b-b-break" Clyde groaned again but it sounded really dramatic.

"Clyde I'm gonna throw my book at you if you keep making noise" Craig said not taking his eyes off the book. I had to admit, I was really bored too. I laid on my back while keeping my head tilted back so I could see Craig behind me. "Craigg" I slightly whispered and he looked up from his book almost immediately. "Whaaaat" He 'slightly' whispered back and I smiled.

"I'm bored" I turned on my stomach so I could face him better and Craig put his book on the bed. "I know a few fun things we could do~" I was unamused because he did 'flirty' jokes like that a lot. "No" I said with a stern look and he put his head down in defeat so I smiled again.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I felt like we were whispering in a silent classroom like little kids. "Yeah, or Stranger Things?" My face lit up at Craigs suggestion. "OH MY GOD YES!" I shouted and then quickly covered my mouth because I was yelling really loud.

"Okay Tweek, keep it down. We don't need to hear you when you're fucking Craig" Clyde looked at me and my face grew red in embarrassment, The way I said it, did kind of sound like we were doing something weird. "Wait wait, you think Tweek would be doing it to me? I would definitely be the top!" Craig shouted at Clyde, what?

"Are we really talking about this" I felt like I was about to shed a tear. "Yes! Clyde I would definitely be t- AAACH" I tackled Craig to the floor with my hands on his wrist and my legs on his. "Yeah, I don't know about that one" I said with a smile

"This is different" I laughed at his comment, I put one leg on his legs and one near his inner thigh "Say it would be me" Craig looked at me confused and then his eyes widened when I moved my knee up. "Craaaaig~ Say it" I said in a playful tone and he shut his eyes tightly while shutting his mouth.

"T-this is s-s-some gay shit" Jimmy said but I continued to put my knee farther and then moved it slowly in a circle, I heard a small quiet groan from Craig and then got off of him with a giggle. "He started it" I said in defense when Clyde and Tolkien looked at me shocked "Well you sure finished it!" Clyde was flabbergasted while sitting criss-crossed and his hands on his hips with an eyebrow raised.

We all continued to study for a few more minutes and then decided to watch Stranger things. I'm more than prepared for this test!


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