Chapter 6

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Tuesday, may 2nd


Yeah, Tomorrow.
After yesterday, Craig didn't show up to school. Was he really that heartbroken? Annie didn't show up either.. I started to get nervous. Were they hooking up? Being absent together on the same day doesn't sound normal.

I decided to check up on him, for many reasons..
1. To comfort him!
2. Maybe he was sick?
3. Maybe I just wanted to see him.. and since I have this as an excuse, I might as well right?

Every time I think of Craig my mind goes fuzzy and my stomach goes all around. Sometimes I squeal at the thought of him which makes people assume I'm a girl from behind, its a little awkward. I put on a blue jacket because it was way too cold for my normal green shirt.

I walked across the street checking for any cars, after all those incidents with Cartman? I was not going to let my gaurd down- splat.

I got up and dusted the snow off my knees, even a little slip would not stop me! Although it did kind of hurt my right leg. I knocked on Craigs front door and patiently waited for a answer while thinking about what to say to him, I didn't even think about that part!

I saw the door creek open and reveal..Craigs sister! "Hey Tricia, is Craig home?" I smiled when I saw her nod "He's upstairs in his room, be careful because he's been moody allll day. I'm sure you could make him feel better" She winked at me.

Tricia knew I had a crush on Craig too. Sometimes when she was alone, me and her would talk all about boys, crushes, just drama in general. I thanked her and walked slowly upstairs, It didn't hit me until I was standing in the front of his bedroom door. What do I say? Oh god! I don't know!!

I was panicking slowly when Tricia tapped me on the shoulder "Don't stress it, Craigs not gonna bite you, I think." Was that supposed to calm me down?! "you think so?!" She shrugged

"I mean, Of course not! He's not that mean once you get used to him, just try it." I kept feeling nervous, Tricia started to walk away and I was going to face my fears, I twisted the doorknob and opened the door.

Why didn't I knock?

"Hey Crai-!" I stopped when I saw him shirtless and pulling his sweatpants a little more than halfway up. CRAP. "Gah!- s-sorry! I'm sorry" I turned around and kept apologizing like crazy, I bet I looked like a blushing mess. I couldn't get his face and body out of my head! Did I really want too though?

All of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked at Craig and he was still shirtless! At least his pants were "Its fine Tweek. Why're you here so suddenly and no text?" Oh yeah, I could've texted him! If I had his number..

"U-uhm. You didn't show up at school today so I thought I would ACK- visit you. A-also we don't have each others numbers. " I didn't make eye contact with him, I couldn't! If I did then he would see how much I was blushing

"Oh yeah. Well I'm fine, I just didn't feel like going today" I have a few guesses on why.. "Do you wanna talk about it? Or hang out to get your mind off it." I didn't wanna hear about his ex-girlfriend at all but if It meant I could get closer with him then I'll do it!

"Nah its fine, just my girlfriend- ex. I mean. I forgot I broke up with her, I just can't believe she cheated on me. And with Kenny! Hey, you're friends with him right? Can you tell him he's a fucking asshole? if he didn't already know." Well great.

I made him hate Kenny for something that I wanted to happen..I nodded, I could feel myself about to break and cry. Its all my fault! "Whats wrong Tweek? You look really on edge" Craig stared at me from his bed.

I shook my head and shut my eyes to wipe the tears away "I'm fine ACK- lets do something fun! I heard everyones hanging out at starks pond if you wanna go?" I smiled to help him.

"Hmm. I guessss. I'd rather stay here where its warm but sure" Stay here..with me? I'm so delusional sometimes, I laughed a little at myself in my head. I watched Craig put on a jacket, he still never put on a shirt and I wondered why. I guess it was the fastest thing for him.

"Okay, lets go!" I grabbed Craigs wrist and walked out the house with him without thinking. The walk was silent, not awkward but Craig was more quiet then usual. I glanced at him but his head was turned away from me and I think I heard him muttering something?

He looked in front of him and I saw a rosy color on his cheeks and nose, it is pretty cold out. Being only 6:00.

A few minutes had passed and we were getting close enough that I could see the other people such as Craigs group, stans group + butters, the girls group and more.

I kept walking until I felt a small pull from Craig yanking his wrist away from my hand. I looked at him confused "I didn't mean to pull hard just, I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea" I nodded even though I wish people had that idea.


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