Chapter 28

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Tuesday, May 28th

"You guys made it!" Bebe looked at me and Craig with a huge smile on her face. We came exactly at 9:25.

"Lets get something to eat" Bebe hugged me and flicked Craigs forehead as we joined the others. "Finally! I'm starving now lets go" Cartman whined and we got into one of Tolkiens huge- wait a minute.

"Tolkien, i-is that a limousine?!" All of our mouths dropped, this thing was huge! "I just wanted to make sure we would all fit and have a nice time!" Tolkien sounded as if this was nothing!

We got inside the limousine and it was so big you could stand in it! "Woww Tolkien" I was completely blown away at how cool this was.

I sat down with Craig and he interlocked his fingers with mines once we were seated. "I can't believe we made it! We're going to be officially adults once we get our diploma" I was super excited

"I would've thought you were gonna be nervous because of all the people Tweeky" Kenny smirked and leaned on my side. "Yeah but who cares? It's the last day!"

If I'm being honest, I'm running on 3 monsters and 8 coffee cups. So, I'm not really worried about the people.

"We'll all be rooting for you" Craig leaned his head on mine with a sweet smile. I kissed his forehead, I'm really glad Craig liked me back. I don't know how I would've done all this without him.

Time skip

After eating, we were resting on some bleachers that were made for the parents but it was 15 minutes until the ceremony started so oh well! "Okay, is everyone read- AAAH. T-Tweek? Please tell me you're not going out like that?" Bebe screeched and made me jump from my seat.

"Uhm, yeah? Why?" What's wrong with my outfit? It's the same as everyone else's. "Tweek. Your hair is a mess!" Of course it's my hair.

"I can never brush it right" I sighed as took the complaining from Bebe. "That can be easily fixed!" She smiled and grabbed a small brush from her bag, Bebe grabbed a handful of my hair and brushed it softly.

Not that soft because it was pretty tangled. After a few Knotts getting taken out, Bebe sighed quickly. "There! All better, now we need to get in our places, it starts in 5 minutes!" Already?!

Now is a good time to panic, right?! I sat next to Craig, unfortunately I couldn't sit next to just anyone because the rows were in alphabetical order from our last names.

Last names... Tweek Tucker.. or Craig Tweak.. I wonder which would sound better for the day we get mar- well. Maybe it's too soon to think about that but just that day.

I can't wait for that day. I was in my own head that I didn't even realize it had started already!

"Tolkien Black" The principal called out Tolkiens name, a lot of people clapped for him as he walked up stairs on the stage. He took his diploma and I think I saw a tear in his eye as he shook hands with the guy.

Wow this is emotional, a lot of girls were crying. Some guys were even hugging and tearing up, it made me feel even a little sad.

I felt a lump in my throat "Craig... will we still be friends with everyone after this?" Craig looked down to me and kissed my forehead.

"Of course Tweek. It's south-park and even then, we'll all keep in touch" I guess Craig is right.

"Tweek Tweak" Oh crap. Its me! I slowly got up. "Go Tweek, I'll be waiting for you, you've got this" Craig had a soft smile on his face that made me have more confidence.

I walked up the steps, taking a deep breathe and then I shook hands with the principal. "I'm very proud of you Tweek, it was great seeing you grow up into the man that you are now" The principal congratulated me and I smiled nervously at him.

"T-Thank you sir" I took the diploma and looked at everyone in their seats, smiling I started to walk off the opposite direction. "Craig Tucker" Oh, Craigs next!

Craig walked up the steps toward me with a smile on his face. I smiled at him but before I could pass him, he grabbed my waist and kissed my lips.

I was shocked but I kissed him back, there was clapping from everybody and I felt awkward but Craig didn't stop.

"I love you so much Tweek. We made it" Craig smiled as he stopped kissing me for air. I panted lightly, we have so much things left to look forward to together. And I can't wait to experience them with him.

"Y-yeah, we made it"

The end.


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