Chapter 3

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Friday, April 14th

After that nice hang out, I can't believe I thought we would've become at least somewhat good friends. But all day Craig acted like he didn't even know me! It was 6th period, our teacher was going to finally group everyone. I hate working with people, what if I mess it up?!

"Alright everyone I'll be assigning the groups for the project, first things first! This project is based for you to create a small structure of nature with clay, cardboard, paint, etc. Now our paired groups will be.." I heard Ms. Garcia talk and talk about who was with who, being a little impatient to hear my name and blurring everyone else's names.

I finally heard my name called after 20 other names "Tweek Tweak, you will be partnered up with.. Craig Tucker." wait, what?! I can't be paired with him! I'll totally lose my cool in-front of him and be a total freak!!

"This assignment is due Tuesday and I expect it to be finished because it does not need to be perfect or big, just add a few details!!" I put my head down, I wish I could hit my head on the desk so hard that my brains splatter. That thought quickly left my mind though, I'm not a big fan of death.

After class, I picked up my stuff to leave. I felt a tap on my shoulder "Hey Tweek, since the projects due on Tuesday then lets work on it today and Monday" Crap! "O-oh yeah of course!" I guess I'll just have to go along with it..

We walked together outside, it felt kinda nice until I got lightly shoved away from Craig. Oh yeah. I had forgotten, Craig had a girlfriend, Annie Knitts. I don't hate her, she's really nice and.. its not like its her fault that I was the one to fall in love with Craig.

"Babee! Can we hang out today?? I would love to go shopping with you!" She was hugging Craig with her hands around his neck and his hands on her waist "Hi, I would but I have a project to do with Tweek" Annie looked at me a little annoyed but didn't say anything which scared me.

"Aww, finish soon so we can hang out later! I bet you can tell what 'later' means~" she smirked and lowered her voice a little while drawing hearts with her finger on Craigs chest. I still heard her and it broke me a little when he smiled and kissed her forehead, okay not a little, a lot. It hurt a lot. They said their goodbyes and then me and Craig were off

"Sorry about that, she can be kind of clingy. So, My place or yours?" Craigs words caught me a little off guard because I had been dozing off, I haven't got good sleep in a while so I was pretty tired if I'm being honest. "Its totally fine, you're together! Uhm, yours? My parents are probably gonna keep bothering me to work if I go home" I sighed and Craig nodded while he walked into his house direction

We walked into Craigs house and went upstairs, Craig closed the door when I walked in "Okay soo what are we creating thats, nature?" He asked me when we sat on his bed. "Hmmm.. oh! Can we make a hydrangea bouquet??" I loved the flower and would love to try and make one!

"Really? I mean the flowers cool and all but Ms. Garcia wanted it to be detailed so that sounds like a lot of work." Lazy much? I sighed and rolled my eyes, I still wanted to do it though "we should still do it, we might get an A+ for effort!" I doubt it but how hard could it be??

This was going not as bad as I thought but still pretty bad. Tweek was doing the actual petals of the flower while I did the stem, I was only doing the stem and it still looked like shit! Tweek was being really careful and even with all his twitching he was doing better than me.

He was making the flower a blue color mixed with a light purple or pink? We were totallyyy gonna win this! I couldn't help but slightly glance at Tweek a few times because I mean I'm not gay or anything but the way he was positioned was.. a little much.

He was on the floor with his knees and elbows on the floor, kinda bending like a dog with his back arched a bit and his hands were working on the pedals. I keep trying not to think about it because I've never been attracted to boy before but each time I glance at him, his ass is just there. I felt a little weird when staring for a few seconds and then- shit.


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Well great I got hard because of some guy bending over in my house! That actually sounds way more wrong than it is but why would I even do that?! Think about your girlfriend, think about your girlfriend.. uuaaaagh. I can't!

My girlfriend isn't even hot to me. I see us more as friends but I guess she doesn't. But I cannot stay in this room any longer or I'll feel way worse and probably start moaning in pain.

"Uagh.." I mumbled and Tweek looked over to me "Everything okay?" And then he had the audacity to look at me with those innocent eyes! I barely know him, why am I feeling like this?! Snap out of it Craig! I nodded slowly, I was under the covers with a small pillow so Tweek wouldn't see the bulge growing in me.

"You look like you have to take the fattest shit ever" Tweek raised an eyebrow and stared at me blankly. Just as I was about to laugh, it came out as a
moa-augh (moan+laugh) "Hauagh~." I covered my mouth as quick as I could while seeing Tweeks shocked expression in front of me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He sounded worried, this is the most embarrassing thing ever. I would love to say I'm fine but at this point I'm really not because its starting to hurt. "C-can we do the project tomorrow? I'm not feeling wel-agh." I covered my mouth and tried to say the words as best as I could.

"Oh yeah! Of course. Do you need any help, can I do anything?" .I can think of a few things. . but I wasn't gonna explain them to him. "N-no. I need to rest, please leave." He nodded and left, I know it sounded rude but I couldn't have him here. I noticed he left the project, I'll give it to him later.

First things first. I need to see what I can do with this. I sighed.


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