Chapter 11

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WEDNESDAY, May 10th (Time skip)

Last week was a little weird, a big party that ended in me sleeping next to Craig, which! I did not mind and then, I got in a fight with him.. MADE HIM BREAK UP WITH ANNIE

Things are going so fast! Whats worse is next week, we are going to have finals! I'm not really bad at any subject, maybe geometry a little but studying can be so boring and I can't focus!

Final exams are being taken next Wednesday so I still have time! I'm in 4th period so I put my head down on my desk, who needs geometry?! It can bury itself in a grave and never come out!

I know, it is actually very important, at times.. But I can't think! I don't have my friends in this class so it makes it even worse and I have no idea what the teachers talking abou- "Hey Tweeky" I lifted my head from the table "Huh?"

I saw Kenny with his toothy grin, I know he can be a 'whore' or a pain to someone like Craig but I would let someone with that face take my heart any day. "K-Kenny? Why're you in my classroom?" I was confused, its the middle of cla- I looked around and the classroom looked deserted, HUH??

"Class ended 15 minutes ago, were you that lost in thought? Thinking about Craig again~?" He smirked at me, well Yes I was but it could've been you. I mentally slapped myself, I can't fall in love with Kenny too?!!

I stood up from the desk and put everything together. "Uhm.. sort of." He laughed and we walked out the door, Kenny put his hand behind my waist and I looked at him confused with a small blush on my cheeks.

He does that often so I didn't really pay much attention to it. We walked in the cafeteria and I saw my lunch group, I was gonna run to Craig and the rest but Kennys grip on my waist tightened a bit "Whats wrong?" I said and He looked at me.

"Wouldn't it be fun to make him more jealous?~" He smiled, I don't think he was even though I did see a little frown in his face when we went up to the table. "TWEEK! Where were you?! Its been 20 minutes!" Clyde said with his mouth full, ew. Haha

"I was uhh. Dozing off" I said a little embarrassed. Kenny smiled and spoke "By dozing off you mean totally loosing your shit with me in the classroom, alone~" I blushed and hit him in the shoulder a little light but with some strength. Clyde and Jimmy said 'oooo' with a smirk, Tolkien just laughed but Craig wasn't amused.

"That did NOT happen" I said as I sat next to Craig but I felt him scoot slightly closer to me, huh? Does Craig want to sit with me or am I imagining things..
Kenny sat next to me, he doesn't usually sit with me?

"Besides that AMAZING moment in the classroom, Yesterday was even better!" I blushed red on my cheeks and a little on my nose, I was getting flash backs..

Flash back—

I was sweeping and about to close for the night since the coffee shop shop closes early on week days, 8:00pm when I work. I heard the door open so I spoke with my voice raised but I didn't look at them, I just sweeping. "Hi sorry, we're closed"

I was waiting for a reply "You don't have room for one more?" I lifted my head and saw Kenny "O-Oh!
Hey Kenny! Sorry I was closing up, what did you want to order?" I went behind the counter and he went in front of it.

"Hmmm, is Tweek Tweak on the menu?" He smiled and I chuckled "Thats very corny" He finally laughed after I said that. "I don't actually want anything I just came to say hi"

"Oh, uhm. Hi?" He laughed and I went back to sweeping. "You know what, coffee doesn't sound bad but decaf" I dropped the broom down at Kennys sudden sentence. "Yeah! Coming right up" I said as he started to sit at a table

Around 15 minutes later, I came out of the back room with the coffee. "Heres your coffee Kenny!" I walked quickly to him and placed it on the table "Thanks dude" Kenny placed half of what he owed me, I took it anyways because I knew he was still struggling.

I left the table to walk back to the register when I tripped over the broom I forgot to pick up "GAH" I shouted as I covered my head to face my doom. I peeked my eyes through my hands and I wasn't on the ground, Kenny was holding his hand around my waist while we faced each other.

"Woah, why're you always stumbling over yourself?" He laughed it off but I was blushing like crazy, when you're up close, Kenny is so much better looking. I can't believe He's not the really popular one! Probably because of his dating reputation. "Tweek? Are you okay? Or is my charm working better than ever right now"

Kenny said with a smug smile and I got really flustered. "S-sorry!" I got myself out of his arms. THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING! Yet, I can't wait for it to happen again..

Flash back over—

I shook my head out of yesterdays events. "Nothing happened!" None of my friends believed me! "Sure Tweek! Its okay if you're embarrassed~" I elbowed Kenny hard This time, I heard a grunt from him "Owch.." He's such a dork!

I looked over to Craig who hadn't said a word. "Hey, Craig? How come you haven't spoke? Something wrong?" He didn't look back at me, was he mad? DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG?


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